Unpacking the Standards Presented by Lynn Smith Educational Specialist, Elementary Language Arts Cassandra Willis Educational Specialist, Elementary Mathematics
What is this all about? What to teach? How to teach it? Why we teach it?
The Standard 3.4 The student will expand vocabulary when reading. a) Use knowledge of homophones. b) Use knowledge of roots, affixes, synonyms, and antonyms. c) Apply meaning clues, language structure, and phonetic strategies. d) Use context to clarify meaning of unfamiliar words. e) Discuss meanings of words and develop vocabulary by listening and reading a variety of texts. f) Use vocabulary from other content areas. g) Use word reference resources including the glossary, dictionary, and thesaurus.
Nouns ❏ Read the standard ❏ Identify and highlight the nouns ❏ What needs to be taught?
Nouns - What students need to know 3.4 The student will expand vocabulary when reading. a. Use knowledge of homophones. b. Use knowledge of roots, affixes, synonyms, and antonyms. c. Apply meaning clues, language structure, and phonetic strategies. d. Use context to clarify meaning of unfamiliar words. e. Discuss meanings of words and develop vocabulary by listening and reading a variety of text. f. Use vocabulary from other content areas. g. Use word reference resources including the glossary, dictionary, and thesaurus.
Verbs ❏ Read the standard ❏ Identify and highlight the verbs ❏ Consider Bloom’s and Depth of Knowledge
Verbs - What students need to be able to do The student will expand vocabulary when reading. a. Use knowledge of homophones. b. Use knowledge of roots, affixes, synonyms, and antonyms. c. Apply meaning clues, language structure, and phonetic strategies. d. Use context to clarify meaning of unfamiliar words. e. Discuss meanings of words and develop vocabulary by listening and reading a variety of text. f. Use vocabulary from other content areas. g. Use word reference resources including the glossary, dictionary, and thesaurus.
Bloom’s Taxonomy
Parameters - characteristics, boundaries, establishes how something should be done This is a little trickier... ❏ Let’s look at the SOL stem - The student will expand vocabulary when reading. ❏ Let’s look at some key phrases - ❏ use knowledge ❏ variety of texts ❏ other content areas
How might students demonstrate mastery of this? ➢ applying knowledge of homophones when writing ➢ applying knowledge of word roots and affixes to understand the meaning of an unknown word ➢ applying knowledge of context clues when reading independently ➢ using new vocabulary words across multiple contexts ➢ using word reference materials in an authentic manner
What next?
Process Skills How might students demonstrate the content?
Process Skills: ➔ Problem Solving: I use effective strategies to solve a problem. ➔ Reasoning: I describe why I think my strategy makes sense when solving a problem. ➔ Communication: How do I explain this ? ➔ Connections: I show how this is like something else I already know. ➔ Representations: How do I show my thinking.
Wishing the dog ate your framework... Essential Knowledge, Skills, and Processes
From the framework To be successful with this standard, students are expected to: - use knowledge of homophones (e.g., be/bee, hear/here, and sea/see) to understand unfamiliar words. - apply knowledge of roots to decode unknown words with the same root (e.g., company, companion). - apply knowledge of affixes, (e.g., prefixes such as ex-, dis-, un-, re-, mis-, non-, pre-; suffixes such as -ly, -ful, -less, -able, -tion, -ness, and –ment) to decode words - determine the meaning of new words formed when a known affix is added to the known word (care/careless) - use knowledge of synonyms (e.g., big/large, mad/angry, ache/pain). - use knowledge of antonyms, (e.g., asleep/awake, smile/frown, start/finish). - use context clues to verify meaning of unfamiliar words and determine appropriate homophone usage. - use context clues, such as a restatement, a synonym, an example, or a direct description or definition included in the sentence or paragraph, to clarify the meaning of unfamiliar words. - apply understanding of language structure to make meaning from text by ° using transition words of time sequence (e.g., first, second, next, later, after, and finally); ° using transition words of compare-contrast (e.g., like, unlike, different, and same); and ° using transition words of cause-effect (e.g., because, if…then, when…then). ° using vocabulary from history and social science, mathematics, and science; and ° using the glossary, dictionary, and thesaurus as reference resources to learn word meanings. How do we make all of this relevant?
Problem Solve How do I effectively use reading strategies to figure out what a word means? - use knowledge of homophones - apply knowledge of affixes to decode words and understand word meanings - use knowledge of synonyms - use knowledge of antonyms - use context clues to verify meaning of unfamiliar words and determine appropriate homophone usage. - use the glossary, dictionary, and thesaurus as reference resources to learn word meanings.
Reason Can I describe my strategy? Does it make sense? Is this strategy effective and efficient? - use context clues to verify meaning of unfamiliar words and determine appropriate homophone usage. - use context clues, such as a restatement, a synonym, an example, or a direct description or definition included in the sentence or paragraph, to clarify the meaning of unfamiliar words.
Communication Can I explain this to someone else? Do I know this word well enough that I can teach the word to someone else? I can describe what the word is, and isn’t. I can explain the context that the word is used in. I understand multiple meanings and their context.
Mountain The top of the mountain was covered in snow. My teacher assigned a mountain of homework.
Connect How is this like something I already know? How can I connect this unknown word or idea to something known so I remember it? - apply knowledge of roots to decode unknown words with the same root (e.g., company, companion). - use vocabulary from history and social science, mathematics, and science
Connect My mother said her life revolves around me! Is that a problem?
Connect I heard a word... I didn’t know what that word meant until... I saw the word.. POLYSEMOUS
Represent How do I show my thinking?
Deep Enduring Understandings ★ I want students to understand that in real life words matter. Words give me the power to communicate who I am. Knowing words helps me understand what I hear and what I read. I want students to develop word consciousness, a curiosity about words and the ability to express and be understood through written and spoken language.
Deep Enduring Understandings ★ Why does this matter? Word knowledge gives me world knowledge! Deep Enduring Understandings
Your turn!! Scared? My turn to unpack? Specialist?
Read the Standard 5.6 The student will solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving addition and subtraction with fractions and mixed numbers and express answers in simplest forms.
Begin unpacking…. ➔ Work in teams... ➔ Fill out graphic organizer... ➔ Think like a teacher... ➔ Note the conversations… ➔ Note the time… ➔ Note the process…
Just some of what needs to be taught…. AdditionLikeRegrouping SubtractionLikeRegrouping AdditionUnlikeRegrouping SubtractionUnlikeRegrouping AdditionUnlikeNo regrouping SubtractionUnlikeNo regrouping AdditionLikeNo regrouping SubtractionLikeNo regrouping
Debrief ➔ What is the value of this process? ➔ How would you structure the process? ➔ Anything you would change? ➔ How might this impact instruction?