I can assess the struggles that the Colonists had in winning the Revolutionary War. I can compare and contrast the stance of Patriots and Loyalists. I can explain the impact of the Olive Branch Petition on the colonists’ decision to declare independence. I can describe the purpose and main ideas of the Declaration of Independence.
Not everyone agreed on how to resolve the conflict with Great Britain (GB). Loyalists wanted reconciliation with GB. –Thought the GB would win –Had ties to GB –Didn’t see the benefit to independence Patriots wanted independence from GB.
After losing many lives in battles, colonies sent the Olive Branch Petition to King George in Britain to seek peace. King George said…no thanks. This forces the colonies into declaring independence.
Written by Thomas Jefferson Signed on July 4, 1776 Lists grievances Declares separation from Great Britain This is the moment the war becomes a war for independence.
I can assess the struggles that the Colonists had in winning the Revolutionary War. I can compare and contrast the stance of Patriots and Loyalists. I can explain the impact of the Olive Branch Petition on the colonists’ decision to declare independence. I can describe the purpose and main ideas of the Declaration of Independence.
I can assess the struggles that the Colonists had in winning the Revolutionary War. I can compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of the colonies and Britain during the Revolutionary War. I can evaluate the importance of the alliance with France in the Revolutionary War. I can evaluate the effects of the Revolutionary War. I can critique the Treaty of Paris from the point of view of Native Americans. I can compare and contrast the role of women and African- Americans before, during, and after the Revolutionary War. I can predict how limited political rights will lead to problems in society after the Revolutionary War.
United States Great Britain Home court advantage Good leadership Goal of independence Good military Strong gov’t and $$$ Support of Loyalists and Native Americans UUntrained military FFood shortages NNo central gov’t FFar from home UUnfamiliar grounds WWeak leadership Strengths Weaknesses
Women had greater roles during the war. –Took over businesses –Followed soldiers (mending clothes, cooking, etc.) –Fought in battles Thousands of African-Americans fought in the army.
France offered help to the Americans. –French people supported the idea of revolution. –French gov’t wanted revenge against Britain (from French & Indian War).
Confirmed US independence. Expanded US borders to Mississippi River (thus, voiding the Proclamation of 1763).
Equality and freedom for all people. –But only if those people are white. –And only if they’re men. –And only if they own property and conform to society’s “norms”. So…who truly gained independence? What about everyone else?
I can assess the struggles that the Colonists had in winning the Revolutionary War. I can compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of the colonies and Britain during the Revolutionary War. I can evaluate the importance of the alliance with France in the Revolutionary War. I can evaluate the effects of the Revolutionary War. I can critique the Treaty of Paris from the point of view of Native Americans. I can compare and contrast the role of women and African- Americans before, during, and after the Revolutionary War. I can predict how limited political rights will lead to problems in society after the Revolutionary War.