Amy Hanson, Ph.D.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. Mark 12:30
Physical HealthMental Function Engagement with Life
All 5 senses tend to decline in old age. Lung vital capacity declines. Physical strength declines.
Age Spots Skin Elasticity Temperature Menopause
1. Nutrition 2. Exercise/Physical Activity 3. Healthy Weight 4. Not Smoking 5. Prevention and Early Detection 6. Faith
1. Recognize who you belong to. 2. Focus on God.
Physical HealthMental Function Engagement with Life
Memory Loss is NOT a normal part of aging.
Learning Takes Longer. Recall May Be Slower.
Learning Takes Longer. Recall May Be Slower. Attention is Harder to Maintain. Misplacement of Items.
Learning Takes Longer. Recall May Be Slower. Attention is Harder to Maintain. Misplacement of Items. Minor Disorientation in unfamiliar surroundings.
Do Something New.
Play games and do puzzles. Travel to someplace new. Enroll in a course about an unfamiliar subject. Explore a new hobby or craft. Volunteer. Write letters to friends and family. Record your family history and your memories. (Adapted from Dr. Gene Cohen’s book, The Mature Mind)
Put your trust in God. Isaiah 26:3 Dwell on the things of God. Colossians 3:2 Philippians 4:8
Having Relationships Being Productive