Programmers Notes Page of 1 Scene Voiceover: Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Preview of the Four Agreements In this page it should be a fade into the narrator introducing the preview. Once the narrator is present then begin to include the narrated text in the balloon text format. Welcome Welcome to a preview of the Four Agreements. Are you ready? Welcome to a preview of the Four Agreements. Are you ready?
Programmers Notes Page of 2 Scene Voiceover: Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Preview of the Four Agreements Let text blind horizontal onto the screen. Let the narrator then speak the text on the screen. There is a belief in the earth now that we are transitioning from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age. The transition began in the late 1880s and will continue until approximately This is also the year the Mayan Calendar ends. Some have interpreted this to mean that the world will end. Others believe that the world will end “as we know it”. However one interprets this transition time, there are changes happening very quickly which can be verified everywhere one looks. Intro 1 There is a belief in the earth now that we are transitioning from the Piscean Age ….
Programmers Notes Page of 3 Scene Voiceover: Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Preview of the Four Agreements One method of staying centered in a time of great change is to practice principles which have stood the test of time. The Toltec principles principles proposed by Don Miguel Ruiz and known as “The Four Agreements” are thousands of years old. This is a time when the mysteries of ancient civilizations are being brought into the light of day once again. Don Miguel Ruiz puts these ancient teachings in simple language. Intro 2 Welcome to a preview of the Four Agreements. Are you ready? Let text blind horizontal onto the screen. Let the narrator then speak the text on the screen.
Programmers Notes Page of 4 Scene Voiceover: Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Preview of the Four Agreements Hi-Level Design Let the diagram checkerboard across. Let the narrator then begin to explain the design. The Four Agreements Course will be just one element of a complete website dedicated to the study and practice of the four agreements in everyday life. The Four Agreements Course will be just one element of a complete website... Main Course Page
Programmers Notes Page of 5 Scene Voiceover: Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Preview of the Four Agreements Hi-Level 2 Let the diagram checkerboard across. Let the central box move up and get smaller. Let the narrator then begin to explain the next level of the overall design. The Site Map will provide links to each part of the website, including how to navigate the lessons and exercises. The Site Map will provide links to each part of the website, including how to …. Main Course Page Site Map
Programmers Notes Page of 6 Scene Voiceover: Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Preview of the Four Agreements Hi-Level 3 Let the diagram checkerboard across. Let the Site Map box change from bold to regular font and decrease to 75% of its original size. Let the Site Map box move up and get smaller. Let the narrator then begin to explain the next level of the overall design. The Glossary of Terms will provide definitions of unfamiliar language used in the lessons, the exercises, and throughout the website. These will be terms that can be found in the reference materials, as they will be taken from the two sources cited. The Glossary of Terms will provide definitions of unfamiliar language used in the.… Main Course Page Site Map Glossary of Terms
Programmers Notes Page of 7 Scene Voiceover: Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Preview of the Four Agreements Hi-Level 4 Let the diagram checkerboard across. Let the Glossary box change from bold to regular font and decrease to 75% of its original size. Let the Glossary box move up and get smaller. Let the narrator then begin to explain the next level of the overall design. The Preassessment will identify those who are currently prepared to attend the Course. Main Course Page Site Map Glossary of Terms Preassess ment
Programmers Notes Page of 8 Scene Voiceover: Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Preview of the Four Agreements Hi-Level 5 Let the diagram checkerboard across. Let the Preassessment box change from bold to regular font and decrease to 75% of its original size. Let the Preassessment box move up closer to the Main Course Page box and get smaller. Let the narrator then begin to explain the next level of the overall design. After the Preassessment has identified those qualified to take the Course, the Course Objectives will be available through a username and password. Anyone who is not identified as currently prepared to take the Course will, however, have access to some of the Course lessons and exercises. In addition, there will be much information on the website itself which will not be username and password protected. After the Preassessment has identified those qualified to take the Course, the …. Main Course Page Site Map Glossary of Terms Preassess ment Course Objectives
Programmers Notes Page of 9 Scene Voiceover: Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Preview of the Four Agreements Detail Design Let the diagram checkerboard across. Let the Course Objectives font change from bold to regular. Let the bulleted items fly in from the right in a bold font. Let the narrator then begin to list the other resources which will be available on the overall website. For instance, there will be lectures available … For instance, there will be lectures available... Main Course Page Site Map Glossary of Terms Preassess ment Course Objectives Lectures
Programmers Notes Page of Scene Voiceover: Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Preview of the Four Agreements DD 2 Let the diagram checkerboard across. Let the previous bulleted item change from bold to regular font. Let the bulleted item fly in from the right in a bold font. Let the narrator continue with the list of other resources which will be available on the overall website. …. Some exercises... … some exercises Main Course Page Site Map Glossary of Terms Preassess ment Course Objectives Lectures Exercises
Programmers Notes Page of Scene Voiceover: Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Preview of the Four Agreements DD 3 Let the diagram checkerboard across. Let the additional bulleted item fly in from the right in bold. Let the previous bulleted items be in a regular font. Let the narrator conclude the list of other resources which will be available on the overall website. …. And links to other resources for practical spirituality in our chaotic times. … and links to other resources for practical spirituality in our chaotic times. Main Course Page Site Map Glossary of Terms Preassess ment Course Objectives Lectures Exercises Links
Programmers Notes Page of Scene Voiceover: Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Preview of the Four Agreements Let each bulleted itemfly in from the left as the narrator describes each goal of the Course. Our Goal in the Course will be to define the four agreements, then to discuss their practical use, and finally to display through journaling their application in ordinary life. These goals are examples of the three more commonly understood learning theories -- behaviorist, cognitive, and constructivist. Goal Our Goal in the Course will be to define the four agreements ….
Programmers Notes Page of Scene Voiceover: Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Preview of the Four Agreements As the narration proceeds, let each bulleted item drop into place. The PreAssessment will identify our target audience for the Course -- those adults who are spiritually mature, who intuitively understand the difference between spirituality, religion and theology, and who are willing to actively work on themselves using these principles. Audience The PreAssessment will identify our target audience for the Course -- those adults who are ….
Programmers Notes Page of Scene Voiceover: Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Preview of the Four Agreements Methods Let each bulleted item drive in from the right as the narrator speaks that phrase. The Course will utilize a variety of methods for online learning -- lectures and audio clips, online assessment(s), online, written or electronic journaling and discussion. The Course will utilize a variety of methods for online learning -- lectures and audio ….
Programmers Notes Page of Scene Voiceover: Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Preview of the Four Agreements The Course topics will follow the chapter order of the book by Don Miguel Ruiz … Topics Let each bulleted item dissolve onto the screen as the narration proceeds. The Course topics will follow the chapter order of the book by Don Miguel Ruiz. Chapter 1 and Topic 1 is “Domestication and the dream. Chapter 2, Topic 2 -- the first agreement -- will be “Be impeccable with your word. Topic 3 -- the second agreement -- will be “Don’t take anything personally”. Topic 4 -- the third agreement -- “Don’t make assumptions”. Topic 5 -- the fourth agreement -- “Always do your best”. The last two topics are “Breaking old agreements” and “Heaven on earth”.
Programmers Notes Page of Scene Voiceover: Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Preview of the Four Agreements The Course Objective is to define the four agreements. The learner’s.... Objectives Let these items appear and remain on the screen while the narration proceeds. The Course Objective is to define the four agreements. The learner’s deeper understanding of these life principles will be evidenced by applying the four agreements in everyday life situations. Through the group discussion within the Course, learners will share their comprehension of this application of principles to life.
Programmers Notes Page of Scene Voiceover: Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Preview of the Four Agreements In these uncertain times some are desperate for ancient principles which may …. Conclusion Let the text appear while the narration proceeds. In these uncertain times some are desperate for ancient principles which may facilitate adaptation to change
Programmers Notes Page of Scene Voiceover: Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Preview of the Four Agreements The Four Agreements as taught by Don Miguel Ruiz may provide such assistance. Conclusion 2 The Four Agreements as taught by Don Miguel Ruiz may provide such assistance Let the text appear while the narration proceeds.
Programmers Notes Page of Scene Voiceover: Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Preview of the Four Agreements This course will provide initial introduction to these principles, in-depth discussion, …. Conclusion 3 This course will provide initial introduction to these principles, in-depth discussion, and straightforward practice Let the text appear while the narration proceeds.
Programmers Notes Page of Scene Voiceover: Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Preview of the Four Agreements This book will be required for the Course. Required Book This book will be required for the Course. It can be found online or at your local bookstore. Let the text appear while the narration proceeds.
Programmers Notes Page of Scene Voiceover: Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Preview of the Four Agreements This book is recommended for the Course. Recommended Book This book is recommended for the Course. Let the text appear while the narration proceeds.
Programmers Notes Page of Scene Voiceover: Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Preview of the Four Agreements Congratulations! You’ve made it through the Preview of the Four Agreements... The End Congratulations! You’ve made it through the Preview of the Four Agreements. This is a proposal and preliminary design for a website dedicated to the study of the Four Agreements as brought forward by Don Miguel Ruiz. We hope you will return and avail yourselves of the many opportunities for growth. Let the text appear while the narration proceeds.
Programmers Notes Page of Scene Voiceover: Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Storyboard : Preview of the Four Agreements Preview of the Four Agreements TEMPLATE