Group Dynamics
Group Two or more people with a unifying relationship is a group.They may or may not have any interdependency or organizationally focused objective.
Characterstics of a group Two or more freely interacting people Mutually accountable for achieving common goals; Common Identity; Collective Norms
Stages of Group Development FormingStormingNormingPerforming Adjorning
Forming Storming Norming Performing Adjourning Individuals are not clear on what they’re supposed to do No group history; unfamiliar with group members. Norms of the team are not established. People are not committed to the team.
Storming Forming Storming Norming Performing Adjourning Rules and responsibilities are articulated and agenda are displayed Competition is high Little team spirit Lots of personal attacks
Norming Forming Storming Norming Performing Adjourning Team has all the resources for doing the job Purpose is well defined Appreciation and trust build Team confidence is high Feedback is high, well received, and objective.
Performing Forming Storming Norming Performing Adjourning Team members feel very motivated Individuals defer to team needs. Team members have objective outlook. High pride in the team High openess and support.
Adjourning Forming Storming Norming Performing Adjourning. This is the satge when the common goal of the group has been achieved and members are separating to form other group.
Types of Group In Group and Out Group Primary Group and Secondary Group Reference Group
In-group and out group IN- Group:- Group with which people identify themselves and feel a sense of belongingness Out Group:- They are the group with which people do not identify with.
Primary Group They are the group with personal orientation, usually small, enduring and have frequent orientation. Of belongingness and emotional orientation.They show a sense
Secondary Group They are impersonal and formal groups with infrequent interactions.They show week emotions between person and are of short term nature
Reference Group Reference groups are that people refer to when evaluating their (own) qualities, circumstances, attitudes, values and behavior. By William Thompson and Joseph Hickey
Group Norms social standards and acceptable behaviors; provide regularity and predictability to group functioning. collectively held expectations of group functioning;