OVERVIEW Division Match course of fire Target dimensions Conduct of the individual match Conduct of the team match
PISTOL COURSE OF FIRE Three stages fired in sequence Slow, timed, and rapid All stages fired: –25 yards –One-handed –Single action –On B-8 target
PISTOL COURSE OF FIRE (cont.) Each stage is completed prior to the next stage beginning 300 maximum points
STAGES OF FIRE StageMethodTime One Slow fire 2 mags of 5 rds10 rds in 10 min Two Timed fire 2 mags of 5 rds20 sec per mag Three Rapid fire 2 mags of 5 rds10 sec per mag
INDIVIDUAL PISTOL CHAMPIONSHIP Two stages – Preliminary stage (one day) – Record stage (two-day aggregate)
PRELIMINARY STAGE Score can be used for record if there is inclement weather. Fired only one day. Day One squadding by random drawing. Score determines target and relay assignmentfor Day One of the record stage. Fired on Saturday
RECORD STAGE The course of fire is fired twice over two days. – Day One score of the record stage determines target and relay assignment for Day Two. – Two Day aggregate score of the record stage determines placement in the pistol championship.
TEAM PISTOL CHAMPIONSHIP Division Match pistol course of fire Fired only once Two relays each of two team members Each team gets two adjacent targets Combined individual scores determine team score
SUMMARY Division Match course of fire Target dimensions Conduct of the individual match Conduct of the team match