Samvit Shooting Sansthan
Prayer of Samvit Shooting Sansthan
Objectives of Samvit Shooting Sansthan To nurture and train internationally excellent sharps shooters in India. To establish shooting as an instrument of self-development based on YOGA & Meditation training based in turn on Advait vedic philosophy. To develop among the participants- Self Control; Patience; Valour; Chivalry; Diligence; Bravery; Penance; Truthfulness; Co-operative Spirit and Titiksha.
Samvit Shooters Practicing Yoga & Meditation
A view of Competition in Samvit Shooting Sansthan, Bikaner during Competition
All India Inter University(Air piston and mm peep site Air rifle) competition
OLD ACHIEVEMENTS An All India Inter University(Air piston and mm peep site air rifle) competition was organized on the Samvit Shooting Sansthan during 9-11 Jan, The fourth Dr. Karni Singh memorial shooting competition 2008 was organized, where the Samvit Shooting Sansthan participants bagged two Gold, two Silver and four Bronze medals One Shooter of Sansthan bagged gold medal at the National level in 2007 All India G.V. Mavlankar shooting competition. One Shooter of Sansthan bagged a Silver medal at 2008 All India women shooting competition. Shooters of Sansthan bagged 3 Silver Medals at the 30 th North India Men and Women Shooting Competition. A women shooter was selected in 2008 in the Air India Shooting team. Samvit shooters men and women participants have established a dominant position for themselves and the santhan, in Rajasthan by bagging several medals in various Competition during the past 3 years.
A shooter from Samvit Shooting Sansthan in Indian Team team Naman Sharma
In March 2014 a shooter Karnav Bishnoi, from Samvit Shooting Sansthan of Bikaner Indain Team member which bagged Gold Medal at 7th Championship 10m Rifle/Pistol held at Kuwait Karnav Bishnoi
Sri Akhilesh Pratap Singh ( A founder member) receiving a memento from Sri Rajyavardhan Singh
RECENT ACHEIVEMENTS A shooter Bhawana Sharma Rajasthan Air Pistol Shooting champion for 2014 Shooters Bhawana Sharma,Naman Sharma & Sneha Rapswal won Bronze medal in " All India university shooting competition 2014 “ held in Chandigarh. A shooter Karnav Bishnoi playing for Indian team won Gold medal on 12 March 2014 in Air Pistol Asian Shooting Championship in Kuwait. A shooter Naman Sharma playing for Indian team won Bronze in the year 2012 in Air Pistol International Shooting Championship in Doha.