Yngling Worlds 2014 Travemünde, DE Agenda Regattas Organizer Event Location Event Location Schedule Entry Fees Important information
Yngling Worlds 2014 Travemünde, DE Regattas Yngling Youth European Championship Yngling Travemünder Woche Regatta Yngling World Championship Date: 18/07/2014 – 27/07/2014
Yngling Worlds 2014 Travemünde, DE Organizer DYKV Lübecker Yacht Club/ Travemünder Woche GmbH Organizes numerous high quality events each year Travemünder Woche (TW) 29er Worlds 2012 Moth Worlds er Worlds 2014 German Championships of different classes Etc……
Yngling Worlds 2014 Travemünde, DE Event World Championship, Open Youth Europeans and Open Regatta will be held during the 125. Travemünder Woche 2014 Date: 18/07/2014 – 27/07/2014 Multi Class Event Own Racing Area within the Event Separate area for Yngling Social Events Own Opening Ceremony/ Championship Dinner and Price Giving Ceremony
Yngling Worlds 2014 Travemünde, DE Location Baltic Sea, Bay of Travemünde Lübeck/Travemünde is located approx. 100 KM North East of Hamburg Easy access via motorway Direct ferries from the Nordics to Travemünde
Yngling Worlds 2014 Travemünde, DE
Event Location Priwall Travemünde Berth area Yngling Crane Trailer parking Measurement Camping Yngling Social Events
Yngling Worlds 2014 Travemünde, DE Event Location Sailors Village (Leuchtenfeld) Race Office Travemünder Woche Social program „Sailors ferry“ connect both locations
Yngling Worlds 2014 Travemünde, DE
Racing Area Will be area Foxtrott of Travemuender Woche Approx 1.5 NM outside Priwall harbour
Yngling Worlds 2014 Travemünde, DE Schedule Friday 18 July 2014Youth/ TW Measurement Saturday 19 July 2014Youth/ TW Racing and Worlds Measurement Sunday 20 July 2014Youth/ TW Racing and Worlds Measurement Monday 21 July 2014Youth/ TW Racing and Worlds Measurement Prize giving/Opening Ceremony Tuesday 22 July 2014Worlds Racing Wednesday 23 July 2014Worlds Racing and Regatta Dinner Thursday 24 July 2014Spare Day Friday 25 July 2014Worlds Racing Saturday 26 July 2014Worlds Racing and Prize Giving Ceremony
Yngling Worlds 2014 Travemünde, DE Entry Fees Youth Europeans130 EUR Travemünder Woche130 EUR Worlds 430 EUR including the IYA share of 30 EUR Both events 530 EUR (Youth Europeans or TW and Open Worlds )
Yngling Worlds 2014 Travemünde, DE Important Information Requests for accommodation Lübeck und Travemünde Marketing GmbH Internet A limited number of places for caravans and tents are available. They can be ordered via online booking or entry form For more information please contact the organizers: Die TRAVEMÜNDER WOCHE gemeinnützige GmbH Trelleborgallee 2a D Travemünde Deutschland Telefon Telefax DYKV Petra Schutt Christian Dylla
Yngling Worlds 2014 Travemünde, DE
Thank You and See you 2014 in Travemünde