Welcome by Alan Harrison, Chair Golf NSW Match Committee Handicapping and Course Rating – Lynne Ritchie Guidelines for suspension of play and cancellation of a competition – Sue Fabian Rules of Golf – New decisions book update – Sue Fabian Women’s Events & Website – Christy Collier Pennant & Grade Software – Olivia Wilson Open Forum
2014 Women’s Events
2014 Women’s NSW Fourball Championship 2014 KENO NSW Mixed Fourball Championship 2014 Women’s NSW Bowl 2014 Women’s Goodwill Plate 2014 Women’s Medal Competition Website navigation Making payment
Schedule your club qualifying round to be played no later than 31 July Note the date on the flyer, and post in your locker room. On completion of your club qualifying round, submit the results via the online form on the website: THREE STAGES OF COMPETITION: 1.Club Qualifying Round 2.District / Metropolitan Playoff 3.State Final (all expenses paid at Bonville Golf Resort) HOW TO ENTER YOUR CLUB:
Schedule your club qualifying round to be played no later than 31 May Note the date on the flyer, and post in your locker room. On completion of your club qualifying round, submit the results via the online form on the website. THREE STAGES OF COMPETITION: 1.Club Qualifying Round 2.District / Metropolitan Playoff 3.State Final (all expenses paid at Bonville Golf Resort) HOW TO ENTER YOUR CLUB:
The Women’s NSW Bowl is a special annual competition, to support the Women’s NSW Open. Clubs in NSW enter the event and submit their winning pair to Golf NSW. The Overall Winners will be rewarded with a trip to the Women’s NSW Open in January 2015, including a place in the Pro-Am. The Competition is a 4BBB Stableford to be played by 30 September 2014.
HOW TO ENTER YOUR CLUB: Entry fees and results must be submitted to Golf NSW no later than Wednesday 8 October Schedule a 4BBB Stableford round to be played no later than 30 September Note the date on the flyer, and post in your locker room. Prior to the event collect the $5 entry fee per player from all players wishing to enter the event. On completion of your club qualifying round, submit the results via the online form on the website: Please send a copy of the winning scorecard to Golf NSW.
The Women’s Goodwill Plate is a special annual competition to raise funds for donation to a Charity recommended by the Board of Golf NSW. The Competition is an 18-hole stroke handicap event to be played by 30 September The State Winner will be determined by the number of strokes (if any) the nett result is under the AWCR of the course on the day of play. Clubs in NSW enter the event and submit their winner to Golf NSW.
HOW TO ENTER YOUR CLUB: Entry fees and results must be submitted to Golf NSW no later than Wednesday 8 October Schedule the Goodwill Plate into your Club Program on a Stroke Event before September Note the date on the flyer, and post in your locker room. Prior to the event collect the $2 entry fee per player from all players wishing to enter the event. On completion of your club event, submit the results via the online form on the website: Please send a copy of the winning scorecard to Golf NSW.
The Women’s Medal Competition is a competition consisting of six Stroke rounds at Club level, played in three Divisions, and must be played between February and September. The winner of the Medal in each Division at Club level is the player returning the lowest nett aggregate of three scores at the end of the six rounds. Winners receive a Golf NSW Medal. Divisions for 2014 are: Division 1 Medal – Plus to 22.4 Division 2 Medal – 22.5 to 32.4 Division 3 Medal – 32.5 to 45.4 Winners in each Division are eligible to compete in the Gold, Silver and Bronze medal playoff.
HOW TO ENTER YOUR CLUB: Entry fees and results must be submitted to Golf NSW no later than Wednesday 8 October Program six stroke events between 1 February and 30 September in Note the dates on the flyer, and post in your locker room. Prior to the event collect the $5 entry fee per player from all players wishing to enter the event. Upon completion of all six Medal Rounds complete your event results and make payment at If you wish to enter your players in the Gold, Silver, Bronze Medal playoffs, you can do it at this time also. Record the full results of each round, in Divisions, on the Golf NSW Result spread sheet.
After entering your Club results for the NSW Bowl, Goodwill Plate and Medal Competition, the following payment options will be made available: 1.Mi-club online payment system (using credit/debit card) 2.Bank transfer direct to Golf NSW 3.Mail a cheque to Golf NSW The payment portal for all events is part of the online results.
Online Grade & Pennant Portal
For greater detail of how a team performed each round you can click on the team name and this will show a list of the clubs results for each round.
For greater detail of who played each round and how they performed, you can click on details on the right and this will show a list of the players for that round and the results for each player.