Hockey history in Talsi Hockey in nowdays in Talsi
Hockey club Talsi in 1989 started building first hockey hall in Latvia who isn’t in Riga. Every people in Talsi knows HC Talsi, because someone hockey changed their lives. In hall building every team player pake part in it. When hall has builded then started our area championship. And in nowdays it is like HC Talsi tradition.
In hall in year 1994 HC Talsi makes comfort for our fans, in hall opens kaffe and bath house. Our ice machine has given by Rigas sport castle. This machine is working still in nowdays. Without our championship we can’t imagine hockey in Talsi.
In nowdays our first hockey hall is still working. Still is working our first ice machine too. Our Talsi team is playing in Latvian championship. Our team isn’t wery good, but we got some talents too.