Preparation for testing in the Present Perfect Form 5.


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Presentation transcript:

Preparation for testing in the Present Perfect Form 5

I. Put the verbs in the third form: 1 variant 2 variant 1. run 1. run 2. put 2. put 3. write 3. write 4. come 4. come 5. bring 5. bring 6. ride 6. ride 7. stand 7. stand 8. forget 8. forget 9. leave 9. leave 10. go 10. go 1. say 1. say 2. cut 2. cut 3. read 3. read 4. become 4. become 5. buy 5. buy 6. see 6. see 7. be 7. be 8. sew 8. sew 9. sing 9. sing 10. understand 10. understand run put written come brought ridden stood forgotten left gone said cut read become bought seen been sewed/sewn sung understood

II. Fill in have or has 1 variant 2 variant 1. Katie …had her breakfast. 1. Katie …had her breakfast. 2. They … taken part in the concert. 2. They … taken part in the concert. 3. Andrew’s hamster …eaten his shoes. 3. Andrew’s hamster …eaten his shoes. 4. The boys … found a little kitten. 4. The boys … found a little kitten. 1. The scientist (учёный) … written a new article. 1. The scientist (учёный) … written a new article. 2. I … visited my granny. 2. I … visited my granny. 3. Charles … finished his translation. 3. Charles … finished his translation. 4. The driver …stopped his car. 4. The driver …stopped his car.

3. Write what they have done. 1 variant 2 variant 1. They ( to discuss) a new problem. 1. They ( to discuss) a new problem. 2. Dan (to finish) his picture. 2. Dan (to finish) his picture. 3. My grand 3. My grand parents (to get) New Year presents. 1. Paul (to write) his composition. 1. Paul (to write) his composition. 2. Jason and his team (to win) the championship. 2. Jason and his team (to win) the championship. 3. We (to sing) at the charity concert. 3. We (to sing) at the charity concert. have discussed has finished have got has written have won have sung

3. Write what they have done. 1 variant 2 variant 4. The little boy (to feed) his parrot. 4. The little boy (to feed) his parrot. 5. The opera singers (to sing) at the party. 5. The opera singers (to sing) at the party. 6. The famous pop-singer (to give) an interview. 6. The famous pop-singer (to give) an interview. 4. The driver (to repair) his car. 4. The driver (to repair) his car. 5.The pupils (to visit) the museum. 5.The pupils (to visit) the museum. 6. I (to write) a letter to my friend in Australia. 6. I (to write) a letter to my friend in Australia. has fed have sung has given has repaired have written have visited

4. Put in just, already, yet. 1. Melissa has …fed her baby sister and cleaned the plates. 1. Melissa has …fed her baby sister and cleaned the plates. 2. I have not been to London …. 2. I have not been to London …. 3. The scientists have … finished their experiments. 3. The scientists have … finished their experiments. 4. Felix and Jim have… watched animals in the zoo. 4. Felix and Jim have… watched animals in the zoo. 1. Alice has … written her letter and put her pen down. 1. Alice has … written her letter and put her pen down. 2. We have … been to Moscow. 2. We have … been to Moscow. 3. He has not took his puppy for a walk …. 3. He has not took his puppy for a walk …. 4. My brother has … his friend at the zoo. 4. My brother has … his friend at the zoo. just yet already just already yet already