By: Rob Willis
Definition of Service Learning Service Learning involves students and community service activities and applies the experience to a personal and academic development. We were told to have 5 community service hours this semester.
Giving Blood First for community service I gave blood. They told me I saved 3 lives so it felt good to know I actually did that. I felt like a hero.
Lowndes County Community Service Second for the community service, I participated in the community service day for Lowndes County. I had never done something quite like this before so it helped me learn that we need quit tossing trash and what not on the side of the road because its making the community nasty.
Also for Lowndes Co. Community service day we brought canned goods.
Softball Tournament AD Pi softball tournament that helped out the Ronald McDonald house.
The Softball tournament also helped with my skill when playing with my other team and helped us when the intramural Championship.
Benefits of Community Service A benefit of community service is that it helps you learn about some of the things going on in todays society and helps you get involved and get active. Also while doing community service you can get the chance to help others, which at the end of the day is the right thing to do.
What I Gained I gained the good feeling of actually going out and getting involved in the community. This requirement for our class helped me learn to participate more in different service events.
End Of Community Service Power Point