Elegant, suave urbane. visit, stopover sojourn estrange, turn away, separate alienate.


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Presentation transcript:

elegant, suave urbane

visit, stopover sojourn

estrange, turn away, separate alienate

rectify, remedy, correct redress

trickery, ruse artifice

penalizing, retaliatory punitive

bully, compel coerce

antagonist, opponent, rival adversary

model, tradition precedent

cowardly craven

related to cooking culinary

continue, preserve perpetuate

expunge, remove delete

insignificant, trivial negligible

decease, death demise

pester, bedevil, annoy harass

meditate, daydream, contemplate muse

excite, enliven, stimulate exhilarate

blustery, harsh, stormy inclement

unproductive, inert, dormant fallow

related to cooking culinary

elegant, suave urbane

rectify, remedy, correct redress

trickery, ruse artifice

penalizing, retaliatory punitive

bully, compel coerce

estrange, turn away, separate alienate

antagonist, opponent, rival adversary

model, tradition precedent

cowardly craven

blustery, harsh, stormy inclement

continue, preserve perpetuate

visit, stopover sojourn

expunge, remove delete

unproductive, inert, dormant fallow

decease, death demise

insignificant, trivial negligible

pester, bedevil, annoy harass

excite, enliven, stimulate exhilarate

meditate, daydream, contemplate muse

elegant, suave urbane

visit, stopover sojourn

estrange, turn away, separate alienate

rectify, remedy, correct redress

trickery, ruse artifice

penalizing, retaliatory punitive

bully, compel coerce

antagonist, opponent, rival adversary

model, tradition precedent

cowardly craven

related to cooking culinary

continue, preserve perpetuate

expunge, remove delete

insignificant, trivial negligible

decease, death demise

pester, bedevil, annoy harass

meditate, daydream, contemplate muse

excite, enliven, stimulate exhilarate

blustery, harsh, stormy inclement

unproductive, inert, dormant fallow

related to cooking culinary

elegant, suave urbane

rectify, remedy, correct redress

trickery, ruse artifice

penalizing, retaliatory punitive

bully, compel coerce

estrange, turn away, separate alienate

antagonist, opponent, rival adversary

model, tradition precedent

cowardly craven

blustery, harsh, stormy inclement

continue, preserve perpetuate

visit, stopover sojourn

expunge, remove delete

unproductive, inert, dormant fallow

decease, death demise

insignificant, trivial negligible

pester, bedevil, annoy harass

excite, enliven, stimulate exhilarate

meditate, daydream, contemplate muse