1 Gloria Who Might Be My Best Friend Vocabulary—Open Court 2002 Gloria Who Might Be My Best Friend
tease To annoy continuously To annoy continuously
lonely Sad from being alone Sad from being alone
seriously Thoughtfully; sincerely Thoughtfully; sincerely
collection Similar things gathered together to study or show to others. Similar things gathered together to study or show to others.
stiff Something not easily bent; not flexible Something not easily bent; not flexible
probably Most likely to happen Most likely to happen
8 The children _____ the dog with a piece of food. tease tease
9 When I stayed home by myself, I became very _______. lonely lonely
10 My dad said he would ______ consider letting me go on the trip. seriously seriously
11 I have a great _____ of baseball cards. collection collection
12 The piece of plastic pipe was very _________. stiff stiff
13 If you are good today you will ____ get to go to the party. probably probably
14 Match vocabulary words with definitions stiff stiff lonely lonely collection collection tease tease probably probably seriously seriously A to annoy continuously A to annoy continuously B sad from being alone B sad from being alone C thoughtfully; sincerely C thoughtfully; sincerely D similar things gathered together to study or show D similar things gathered together to study or show E something not easily bent; E something not easily bent; Not flexible Not flexible F most likely to happen F most likely to happen E B D A F C
15 Definitions tease – to annoy continuously tease – to annoy continuously lonely – sad from being alone lonely – sad from being alone seriously – thoughtfully; sincerely seriously – thoughtfully; sincerely collection – similar things gathered together to study or to show to others collection – similar things gathered together to study or to show to others stiff – something not easily bent; not flexible stiff – something not easily bent; not flexible probably – most likely to happen probably – most likely to happen