1−1 Chapter 1 Selling, marketing and customer relationship management
1−2 Common attitudes to selling Positive attitudes – Helpful in providing information about a product – Aided in locating a particular manufacturer – Provided specific usage instruction – Reminded the customer about a feature or service option Negative attitude – Pushed the buyer into an unsuitable purchase – Rushed the customer into a sale – Continued to annoy the customer in the lead up to the sale – Unfairly criticised competitor’s product
1−3 Consultative aspect Definition The personal selling function should focus on the situation, problems, and needs of the customers, rather than on the salesperson or his or her firm. Challenges – Natural tendency for the salesperson is to put their own needs first. – Understanding customer needs can be a very difficult and time consuming task.
1−4 Problem-solving aspect Problem identification – This is where the salesperson uses their questioning techniques to identify customer needs and wants. Develop and evaluate solutions – Based on the answers given by the customer, the salesperson identifies the most suitable solution to this particular set of needs. Communicate the solution – The salesperson presents the solution to the customer, explaining the benefits of the product and how they match the customer’s needs.
1−5 Influence aspect Social interaction – Friends and family have a strong influence on the purchase behaviour of each person. Work place interaction – Managers, co-workers and other staff will influence a person’s purchases through examples, suggestions and direct instructions. Journalism and media – The opinions of media figures and reporters encourage the person to purchase goods and services in a particular way. Sales people – They make recommendations and assist in choices for the customer as part of their service.
1−6 Ethics Responsibility Integrity and belief in the sale Credibility Even-handedness Fairness Standards of behaviour Balanced outcomes viewpoint
1−7 Marketing, selling and business The role of marketing, selling and business: Marketing Marketing/SellingSelling Identify Individuals Provide Information Influence to buy Business
1−8 Marketing process
1−9 The marketing mix
1−10 Promotions mix The promotions mix is the communications component of the marketing mix.
1−11 Promotions mix elements – comparison
1−12 Promotions mix elements – summary ElementUsefulness in selling AdvertisingInform and influence Sales promotionMotivate action PublicityManage public opinion Personal SellingPersuade, assist and facilitate sale
1−13 CRM Definition Business concept Technique for carrying out the concept
1−14 Selling roles in business
1−15 Selling roles in business Variation in application of sales staff internal staff external or field staff manufacturers’ consultant staff online sales staff telecommuting sales staff SMS and distributive media sales staff Remuneration types base/retainer, bonus, commission, combination