Investigation 2 The Air Around Us
Part 1 “The Air Around Us” Where Does Weather Happen? The atmosphere Air plays a very important role in the weather. In the next few days we are going to look more closely at air to learn some of its properties
Properties of Air Can Air be Compressed? Answer = Yes, air can be forced into a smaller volume. Example compressor! Can air create pressure? Yes, pressure is the force pushing back on you. When air is compressed it creates pressure,
Molecular Model Everything is made of atoms and molecules Molecules in gases are free to move around There is a lot of space between the molecules in gas When a gas is compressed into a smaller space the number of molecule does not change Molecules compressed create pressure which is a force pushing in all directions
Does air have mass? Molecules and atoms makes up everything Everything is made up of matter The amount of matter in an object is its = Mass Mass is measured in grams Weight = is the pull or force between Earth and the matter in an object Weight can vary from place to place on Earth but mass can not
Atmosphere Earth is surrounded by a layer of air. The layer of air is called Earth’s atmosphere. The atmosphere lies between Earth’s surface (solid and liquid) and the vastness of space. We terrestrial animals lives most of our lives at the bottom of the atmosphere, surrounded by the invisible mixture of gases called air.
Layers of the atmosphere Troposphere- the lowest layer, weather happens here, most of the Earth’s air is here Stratosphere - ozone layer is found here Mesosphere - layer where meteors burn up creating shooting stars Thermosphere - Scientists do not know much about this layer Exosphere - the last layer between Earth and space
What is the most abundant gasses in the atmosphere? 1. Nitrogen about 78% 2. Oxygen about 21% 3. Argon .9% Some gases are variable gases meaning they change from place to place, or even day to day. Like? Answer = carbon dioxide, methane and water vapor
Syringes Lab Tuesday! We can use it to investigate air You can work alone or with a partner Do not use the toy to annoy anyone What happens to the air in the syringe when you push and pull on the plunger? What can air do? Pass out the syringes and the flex tubing
Air Investigation Worksheet Students create three question and make three observations on part 1 of the Air Investigation Sheet(20 minutes) What have you found? When you clamp the tube closed and push the plunger down, what happens to the air? Is there more air, less air or the same amount of air in the syringe when the air is pushed into a smaller space? What happened after you let go of the plunger when you pushed it down? What do you think happens to the air when it is pushed into a smaller space? What happens to push the plunger back out when you release pressure on the plunger?
Air Lab Summary Take out your worksheet and read some of the questions you have Does air have weight or mass? Where does air pressure come from? How does air push the syringe plunger out? Why is air pressure so Strong?
Does air have mass? (Lab Wednesday) Can you think of an experiment to find out if air has mass? (Take 5 minutes) Here are the supplies for today’s lab; 2 Round balloons 4 paper clips 2 Plastic bags tape 4 Clear straws string
The Experiment You must first create a plan before you are allowed to start (20 minutes) You are allowed to modifications if the plan does not work Share your results and conclusions Read “What’s in the Air?” H.W. Air investigation part 2
Part 2 Earth’s Atmosphere Q. Where is the atmosphere? Surrounding the Earth Can you see the atmosphere in the image of Earth taken from space? No Can you see the atmosphere in the image taken from the shuttle? Yes, the white and orange layer What structures can you see in the atmosphere? Black shapes, clouds Why can’t you see the atmosphere in the picture taken from space? A. It is so thin that it is not visible from far away
Troposphere The layer of the atmosphere that extends from