After weeks of fighting, the sisters decided to reconcile, and there was peace in the family once more. The judge looked at the couple sternly and said, “For the sake of both your children and yourselves, you need to reconcile your silly differences.” Definition: to settle a quarrel or dispute
Selena bought a mouse-ear hat as a memento of her trip to Disneyland. Marcie’s grandmother had a house full of interesting mementos from her years in the Peace Corps. Definition: a souvenir; anything that serves as a reminder of something
Dale sits in the front row of all his classes because his hearing is impaired. Natalie hated the new building because it impaired her view of the ocean. Definition: damaged or weakened
Her children’s constant fighting and whining continued to exasperate Mrs. Farnham. Troy was exasperated by his problems with algebra. Definition: to irritate or annoy a great deal
Because he was ambidextrous, Bart became the best employee on the assembly line. When one hand got tired, he just switched to the other. “My right hand is sore from writing so much,” said Julie, “I wish I was ambidextrous. Definition: able to use both hands well
Stephanie is such a health fanatic that she won’t eat even one bite of her birthday cake, ever. Mr. Smith is such a fanatic about germs that he sprays down his desk with Lysol every morning and afternoon. Definition: someone with extreme and unreasonable enthusiasm for something
The company hired Melody because she proved how competent she was. “Mr. Lawrence may dress funny but he is a competent teacher,” said the principal. Definition: capable or skillful
Willy and Diana are teetotalers, so, needless to say, they did not appreciate it when Frank gave them a bottle of wine for their anniversary. Rex had a reputation for being a teetotaler, so Laura was very surprised when she saw him buying a bottle of beer. Definition: someone who never drinks alcohol in any form
My grandmother piled ample portions of food on my plate. The apartment had one room that was ample enough to hold all of Daniel’s model airplanes. Definition: large in size
Luke was such a vital part of the soccer team that after he was injured, the team began losing all of their games. A good understanding of anatomy is vital if you want to be a doctor. Definition: necessary or essential
Mary was sad that her grandfather wasn’t around to appreciate the posthumous award he received from the govenor. The only photo of the outlaw the historical society could find was on taken posthumously – in his coffin. Definition: taking place after death
“Dr. Graft walked gingerly past the sleeping gorilla. Sarah gingerly handled the cactus she was repotting. Definition: carefully; cautiously