Eva Solowiej6th Hour Do You Ever Get Mad At Your Parents?? Do you get grounded? Do you get in trouble for having fun? And do your parents not let you go places where you really want to go? Well here are some ways to get back at your parents
Eva Solowiej6th Hour Asking more than once This is the most common way, and it works 98.9% of the time. Step 1. Get a phrase that your parent will have to take a long time to explain [math homework, vocabulary words, ect.] Step 2. Pretend you don’t understand, and make them rephrase the question [this causes frustration] Step 3. Enjoy their frustration!!
Eva Solowiej6th Hour Singing.Singing. Step 1. Find a music style your parents hate. [rap is most common] Step 2. Practice the singers voice, and get a radio or ipod with the back round music. Step 3. Go to your parents at a random moment,[ most effective when they are doing work] and blast the music while you sing. Step 4. If they yell, say you didn’t notice them, OR Say you wanted their opinion on your singing.
Eva Solowiej6th Hour Helping Step 1. Ask your parents if you can help them with something very important Step 2. Pretend this is a bad day for you. Mess almost everything up that they tell you to do, and ask for another chance. Step 3. At every new chance, mess up worse and worse. When they finally say they can do it themselves, this is a sign of victory. If you wish to continue, say they don’t trust you and run to your room. Wait 2-3 minutes for parents to come and ask for your help.
Eva Solowiej6th Hour Noises! Here are some choices you have;; Cell phone; repeatedly open and close you cell phone {loudly} Sound effects- make noises like car alarms, or loud noises Clap loudly at random moments, [works if its in a quiet room] pretend to cry at random moment, and if they ask what is wrong keep on “crying” for several minutes and then stop and say I was just bored
Eva Solowiej6th Hour Priceless This gets your parents very stressed out, Ask your parents for something, [seriously] And make sure it’s VERY expensive. [such as a new ipod or new cell phone] And if they say they won’t buy it, tell them after That your friends all have it, or that it’s all you every wanted. When [if] they buy it for you [or something similar] say it’s not important anymore, you don’t want it.
Eva Solowiej6th Hour Hearing Aid This is a very simple trick. If you dad asks you something, don’t do it, but when your mom asks you, do it. [ or vice versa ] This plays with your parents mind and makes them think you are mad at them.
Eva Solowiej6th Hour The End! These are all good ways to get you parents mad, when done well, so practice with your friends or siblings, and you will always know how to
Eva Solowiej6th Hour