A Raisin in the Sun By: Lorraine Hansberry
American playwright whose A Raisin in the Sun (1959) was the first drama by an African American woman to be produced on Broadway.
Born May 19, 1930, Chicago, Ill., U.S.—Died Jan. 12, 1965, New York, N.Y Hansberry was interested in writing from an early age and while in high school was drawn especially to the theatre.
She attended the University of Wisconsin in 1948–50 and then briefly the school of the Art Institute of Chicago and Roosevelt University (Chicago).
After moving to New York City, she held various minor jobs and studied at the New School for Social Research while refining her writing skills. In 1958 she raised funds to produce her play A Raisin in the Sun, which opened in March 1959 at the Ethel Barrymore Theatre on Broadway, meeting with great success.
Civil Rights Movement Plessy vs. Ferguson: court cased ruled separate but equal. (allowed Jim Crow laws) Brown vs. Board of Education, overturned Plessy vs. Ferguson. Gov’t taking action and challenging segregation
Brown vs. Board of Education 1954 Linda Brown was forced to walk 1 mile to a black school when a white school was within block Court ruled separate is inherently unequal= no segregation of schools.
NAACP Interracial organization Focused on challenging laws that prevented African-Americans from exercising their full rights as citizens Got two anti-lynching laws passed and helped with Brown vs. Board of Education
National Urban League Dealt mainly with economic issues Helped African-Americans moving to major American cities They helped them find work and apartments
CORE Congress of Racial Equality Bring peace through peaceful confrontation Gained strength from both white and blacks after WWII as the Civil Rights Movement began
Undistinguished Unnoticed Inconspicuous He was an undistinguished part of the crowd.
Accommodate To do a favor or help someone/something
Uniformity Being the same as others.
Exasperated To make very angry or impatient annoy greatly
Vindicated to assert, maintain, or defend
Rebuff a blunt or abrupt rejection
Unobtrusive Unassertive
Meddling to involve oneself in a matter without right or invitation To interfere
Strident having a shrill, irritating quality
Profound having deep insight or understanding A profound thinker
Dungarees work clothes, overalls, etc., of blue denim.
Exuberant enthusiastic An exuberant welcome for the hero.
Burlesque any ludicrous parody or grotesque caricature. (to make fun of a serious subject)
Missionary a person strongly in favor of a program, set of principles, etc., who attempts to persuade or convert others.
Forlorn desolate or dreary unhappy or miserable
Heathen An uncultured or uncivilized person.
Mutilate to injure, disfigure, or make something imperfect by removing or damaging
Liberate To set free
Haphazard Disorganized unplanned
Lynch to put to death, esp. by hanging, by mob action and without legal authority.
Coquettish A flirtatious woman To flirt
Eccentric something that is unusual, peculiar, or odd.
Indifference Having little or no concern
Radiant bright with joy, hope She had a radiant smile
Amiable Friendly sociable