SAMPLE SLIDESHOW Edited by T.B. Miller
White on Black Makes your images pop out of the slide. Makes the text easier to read. Don’t change it.
Also: Don’t Do this. And Don’t Do This. Or This. Don’t Even Think About It. Ever.
Don’t be flashy Animations and other Cheap Tricks just annoy your audience, they don’t add anything. The slide software should be almost invisible. One of the best slides is just a full-size (1024x768 pixels) image. Here, look at one:
Nice, right?
A word about graphs This is PowerPoint’s Default. It looks like crud, right? If you need a graph, draw your own by hand.
Seriously, by hand? No, not really. Use a scalable vector graphics program to draw them. I use Inkscape ( which is just like Adobe Illustrator, except it’s free. Here’s a graphic I drew of Moore’s Law:
Nice, right?
Hopefully this will help you get started. You can just delete all the slides in this presentation and use it as a template, new slides will automatically appear in the correct colors and fonts with the logo on the right place. Good luck!
Questions? Please ask!
This project was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. ESI Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Foundation.