Run-on Sentences Run-on sentences occur when writers combine independent clauses WITH NOTHING BETWEEN THEM. Example: I love writing papers I would write one every day if I could. Give me the manual it can tell us what to do. It is a beautiful day let’s go outside!
Run-on Sentence Corrections 4 Ways to Correct Run-on Sentences 1.Use a period It’s a beautiful day. Let’s go outside! 2.Use a semicolon It’s a beautiful day; let’s go outside! 3.Use a comma + coordinating conjunction It’s a beautiful day, so let’s go outside! 4.Use a subordinating conjunction (to make an independent clause dependent) Because it’s a beautiful day, let’s go outside!
Run-On Correction Practice Correct the following run-on sentences. 1.This isn’t a great playground however, the kids still love it. 2.The baseball team lost Saturday they just couldn’t hit! 3.I’m not a good babysitter kids really annoy me. 4.The best part of life is the people in it that’s what my mom always says. 5.I cooked last night it was a monumental event!
Run-On Correction Answers Correct the following run-on sentences. 1.This isn’t a great playground; however, the kids still love it. 2.The baseball team lost Saturday because they just couldn’t hit! 3.I’m not a good babysitter; kids really annoy me. 4.The best part of life is the people in it; that’s what my mom always says. 5.I cooked last night. It was a monumental event!
Comma Splices Comma splices occur when writers combine independent clauses with ONLY A COMMA. Example: Pizza is the best, I would eat one every day if I could. I like to drive, hopefully I will have a motorcycle soon. Fall is coming soon, the leaves look great when they change colors.
Comma Splice Corrections 4 Ways to Correct Comma Splices 1.Use a period instead of a comma Pizza is the best. I would eat it every day if I could! 2.Use a semicolon instead of a comma Pizza is the best; I would eat it every day if I could! 3.Add a coordinating conjunction to the comma Pizza is the best, so I would eat it every day if I could! 4.Use a subordinating conjunction (to make an independent clause dependent) Because pizza is the best, I would eat it every day if I could.
Commas Splice Correction Practice Correct the following comma splices in two different ways. 1.I didn’t like the movie, it was way too long. 2.She and Jerry are getting married in the fall, they didn’t want a summer wedding. 3.My favorite bands are all really loud, playing loud music is good for stress relief. Source