MARCH 22, 2010 GAC Monthly Conference Call
March Legislative Summary Healthcare Yelling NCAA Basketball
Jobs Bill HIRE Act Signed into law March 18 th Exemption from social security payroll taxes for every worker hired in 2010 who had been unemployed for at least 60 days. $1,000 income tax credit for employers for every new employee retained for a year Allows small businesses to write off more of their expenditures Extends existing highway programs, allowing billions more to be invested in infrastructure throughout the nation and saves one million jobs. Allows state and local governments to borrow at lower costs to finance more infrastructure projects and put people to work.
Energy & Aerospace Energy Policy Kerry / Graham / Lieberman Bill Cap greenhouse gasses from utilities in 2012 Cap stationary sources by 2016 Greenhouse gas reductions thereafter Still theoretical, but it has potential Space Policy NASA reauthorization scheduled for end of May Obama space plan facing serious opposition Alabama hates it Texas hates it Florida hates it David Wu (D-OR-1) hates it
Legislative Update K-12 education E2 Bill Introduced! H.R & S Decent cosponsor list 7 in House 8 in Senate Lots of work left to be done
Immigration Comprehensive Bill Still probably dead Once they give up, we’ll start pushing our bill Most players know comprehensive won’t happen Big rally on March 20 in Washington Dems don’t want to annoy CHC more than they want to fix immigration Model Bill bill.asp
Legislative Update Intellectual Property Intellectual property bill was on the fast-track … Now, not so much Coalition for Patent Reform opposes the patent reform bill
Other Issues CVD April 28 – 29 Focus on R&D spending Possible funds to support one student per region WISE Interns have been selected Energy Fly-In May 17 & 18 Focus on energy policy
Upcoming Events My Travel Rhode Island – April 14 th Berkshire Section – April 15 th