Having A Faith of My Own 2 Tim 1:12; Heb 11:6; Jas 2:24; Jude 3
What is faith? Heb 11:1 Faith is an “assurance” or “substance” which is “a setting under, a “support” Faith is “evidence” or “conviction” of things not seen
How do you receive this faith? By hearing the word of God (Rom 10:17) By examples or illustrations of others Hebrews 11 Listening and watching other Christians
How Would You Describe Your Faith? Secret Cautious Embarrassed Bold “I seldom told anyone at school that I was a Christian” “I spoke of my faith with my Christian friends, but not with non-Christians.” “I was very comfortable sharing my faith and spoke of it frequently to anyone” “I spoke of my faith as a matter of duty, but I felt embarrassed doing so.”
How Would You Describe Your Faith? Have you ever had your faith tested? Do you have a faith to test? Do you think you will ever suffer? Do you think anyone will ever annoy you for being a Christian? Do you think someone will ever fire you because you worship God when they want you to work? Do you think you will ever have to explain why you do not worship with instruments, why ‘your church’ doesn’t have a kitchen, or which church is found in the Bible?
Where Are YOU NOW?! Do YOU and will YOU have a working knowledge of the Bible? (2 Pet 1:3) Will YOU honor Bible authority? (Gal 1:8; 2 Jn 9; Col 3:16; Isa 55:6-9) How will YOU respond to worldly pressures? (1 Jn 2:15-17) Will YOU be genuine or indifferent? (1 Tim 1:5)
Have an apologetic life (1 Pet 3:15) Decide you are going to serve and who you are going to serve (Josh 24:15) Look up for your treasure (Matt 6:19-21; Col 3:1-4) Never stop doing right (Israel did, Heb 3:17-4:1,9-11; Gal 6:9) Have a faith and do not back away from it (Acts 21:37 – 22:1) Where Are YOU NOW?!
Parents Need to Teach and Live Faith NEVER underestimate the dangers of failing to teach and living right God knew the importance of instruction in Deut 6:4-9 Your faith has to be above lukewarm and indifference You cannot wait until they are 13, 16, or about to leave for college before teaching them
Parents Need to Teach and Live Faith Never assume church attendance is their only faith builder (Eph 6:4) Never assume church problems will not affect your child (Jn 13:34,35)
Parents Need to Teach and Live Faith Never think children are not smart enough to notice hypocrisy (Rom 2:17-24; Matt 23:3) Never believe children are expected to be disrespectful, untrustworthy, rebels, worldly, and bad-tempered (1 Tim 4:12; Prov 10:1; 17:25; 19:26; 29:15)
Parents Need to Teach and Live Faith Never assume not permitting ungodly and immodest activities, places, people, and dress will turn your child away from the Lord Never assume a child needs more money ( 1 Tim 6:9,10) Never assume the current society standard is good enough for your child (Rom 12:1,2)
Faith HAS to be a priority with you if it is to be with your children (Matt 6:33) This is not something you take for granted Remember who you are and what those children are to you in (Ps 127:3,4) Parents Need to Teach and Live Faith