Acceptable Use Policy (or Fair Use): For Users of Computers and other technology
* Access to the electronic resources at any Warren County School is a privilege not a right. * All students must sign an Acceptable Use Policy demonstrating an understanding of the expectations regarding the use of electronic resources.
* Violating the AUP may result in the immediate loss of any or all network/computer services. * In addition, any attempted or executed criminal violations on the network will be prosecuted.
* Electronic resources (computers, Internet, personal devices, etc.) may only be used for educational/academic purposes on the Warren County Public Schools network. * Access to educationally inappropriate materials is prohibited. * Access to or transmission of any material in violation of any federal or state regulation is prohibited.
* This includes but not limited to: * Copyrighted material * Threatening or obscene material * Vulgarity * Material protected by trade secret
* Use their WCPS account to: * Play games (including multi-user games) that are directly related to classroom instruction. * Participate in peer-to-peer file sharing (LimeWire, Kazaak, BitTorrent, etc.) * Advertise products or promote political or religious statements not consistent with the educational purposes of the WCPS. * Use electronic mail or WCPS account to buy, sell, or trade personal items.
* Students may not: * Give their password to anyone * Use or alter any one else’s account * Offer Internet access to other individuals via one’s own account * Break in or attempt to break into other computer networks (or those spaces that only Administrator of computers have rights to) * Destroy another person’s data (files)
* Students may not: * Intentionally spread embedded messages or other programs which have the potential of damaging or destroying programs or data * Purposefully annoy other WCPS or Internet users * Access social networking web sites using district resources
* Harassment as defined in board policy shall not be allowed. * All communications and information accessible via the network is assumed to be for the individual consumption of the user, however, privacy is not guaranteed (so don’t put anything on the network that you wouldn’t want anyone else to see).
* At SWHS, we would like all students to have a Warren County account. * If you have a form on file from last year at SWHS, then you do not have to complete a new form, but you do have to sign the signature sheet for the AUP * If you are new to SWHS, (freshman and other new students), then you will need take a form home for parent or guardian signature & sign the AUP signature sheet. * Here is a video on how to log into SWHS *
* All AUP rules apply when using * Be Polite & Do not write abusive messages to others * Use appropriate language * Do not reveal the personal address or phone number of other students or yourself is not guaranteed to be private. Network Administrators have access to all mail messages. Any message relating to or in support of illegal activities shall be reported to the proper authorities. Here is a video on how to log in to your SWHS
* Students should know that a proxy server records every transaction that takes place via the network. This includes a record of every account that logs on, a record of each machine that logs on, as well as the Internet site that was accessed. (This includes your cell phones if you use the SWHS Wireless Network.) * Students should also know that all student workstations are monitored using Remote Desktop software.
* Any device/resource and its use/care is the responsibility of the student to whom it is assigned. * Violations occurring off-campus on a “take- home” device will be addressed in the same manner as if it occurred at school.
* Students who demonstrate good digital citizenship may be allowed to connect their personally owned devices to the WCPS Network provided they adhere to all specified conditions. * When personal devices are connected to the WCPS network, they are subject to monitoring by network administrators for security purposes and are not guaranteed privacy.
* District employees will not make repairs or troubleshoot personally owned devices. * The minimum requirements for any student owned device connected to the district network are: * Apple OS * iDevice OS * Android OS * Wireless card * Requirements are subject to change without notice.
* See Student Handbook on page Cell Phones & MP3 players are not allowed to be used during instructional time anywhere, but may be used between classes, before/after school, and during lunch in the hallways & cafeteria. Some teachers may use the BYOD contract.
* Remember that no food, including popcorn, or drinks are allowed in the library, computer labs or when using laptops in a classroom.
* Username: FirstName.LastName * (New students & Freshman will log in using grad year firstname.lastname ex. 17Joe.Smith ) * Password: Student ID # * Use this format to log onto a PC & also to log on to the server from a Mac computer * On an Apple Computer, click STUDENT * To save to the network on an Apple computer click GO > CONNECT TO SERVER> smb:// > Then use the username and password just like above.
* See SWHS Handbook and District Student Handbook.