7cs of Effective Communication Managerial Communication 7cs of Effective Communication
Importance of Communication The word communication is dervied from the Latin term ‘communism’ which means common. Communication is life. It is the act of influencing and inducing others to act in the manner intended by the speaker or writer. Communication means sharing of ideas
Goals of Communication Are To change behavior To get action To give Information To ensure understanding To persuade
7cs of Communication are (1) Completeness Text (7) Correctness 7cs of Communication are (3) Consideration (4) Concreteness (2) Conciseness (5) Clarity (6) Courtesy
Completeness Completeness 1. Answer all questions asked 2. Give something extra when desirable Completeness 3. Message should include reader’s wants or needs 4. Check 5Ws and any other essentials Who, What, Where, When & Why
Conciseness Conciseness 1. Eliminate wordy expresstions 2. Include only relevant facts & information Conciseness 3. Avoid unnecessary repetition 4. Organize the message logically
Consideration 1 2 3 4 Focus on ‘You’ instead of ‘I’ & ‘We’ Show reader benefit or interest in reader. Your Message should convey truth Emphasize the positive & pleasant facts Always avoid that has not been done so far Apply Integrity & ethics
Concreteness Concreteness 1. Use Specific facts & figures 2. Avoid words like few, quick, soon etc Concreteness 3. Use action verbs 4. The message should be specific instead of general 5. Don’t use irrelevant information
Clarity Clarity 1. Choose short, familiar & conversational words 2. Proper punctuation make the Writing clear Clarity 6. Message should Correct, concise, complete With consideration 3. Make the message Readable & understandable 5. Insert examples, tables, graphs If necessary 4. Construct effective sentences & Paragraphs
Courtesy 1 2 3 Be truly tactful, thoughtful and appreciative. Omit expressions that annoy, distrss or imitate hurt 3 Grant & apologize candidly
Accuracy of facts, words Correctness 1. Use correct level Of language 4. Choose Non-discriminatory expressions 2. Check the Accuracy of facts, words And figures 3. Maintain Acceptable writing Mechanics
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