Secrets To Getting Top Web Placement And New Business Using Press Releases Carl Braun Ecomajik Corp PURE (7873)
Press Release Fundamentals Announces a new product, service, event, partnership or promotion. Title Should State Briefly What You Are Doing. Subtitle explains it more Keywords are laced throughout the release Quotes support the theme Contact info is current and accurate.
Lets take a look at a recent press release Cedar Fever Arrives in Central Texas Georgetown Company says you do not need to suffer
A Good Press Release Can Make you money and Get you TV, Print and Radio Interviews as well as GREAT web presence. Title is brief and to the point. Subtitle explains more. Use your city/ location Numerous times throughout. Repeat title in your first Paragraph. Second paragraph educates Reader on main topic. Describes problem.
The body of the Press Release should be seeded with keywords. Put in at least one quote. Quote Describe solution. Why you’re different.
Make sure your location and contact info are correct. Include Directions.
I Use to publish and broadcast my press releases. They send it out to 75 sites for $10. That turns into thousands of sites in about a week. James Victor
Google Places Press Releases and Videos High in the Rankings. In less than 1 month 13,700 websites have my Press Release published or used it for their story.
Ecomajik Benefits from the added exposure with more than 69,200 websites carrying links back to me (in about 3 months). It gets you sales and publicity. Before people buy from you they “look you up” on Google. Having thousands of links makes you bigger than you are, appear more successful and people want to do business with successful people.
I would be happy to help you with your first Press Release and get it published. Simply call me to set up a meeting.