Christianity in the first century 1.Death/ Resurrection of Jesus 2.Pentecost. 3.Apostle Paul. 4.Apostolic Council (Jerusalem Conference). 5.Paul’s letter to Galatians 6.Paul on Faith & Works.
Objections to Resurrection Miracles don’t happen Apparent death Hallucination hypothesis The Wrong Tomb hypothesis Incomplete & inconsistent evidence
Pentecost Jewish celebration of God’s giving of the Torah on Sinai Baptism in the Holy Spirit Apostles received power –‘we cannot keep from speaking about what we have seen and heard’ Acts 4:20. Gift of tongues Miracle of understanding (cf. Tower of Babel) Modern charismatics
Map 2 nd c.
Capernaum Synagogue, 4 th c. A.D.
Sardis Synagogue
Theater, Miletus (Turkey). “[Place ] for the Jews God-fearers” inscription
Roman Houses. Ephesus.
Apostle Paul (4-60 A.D.?) Who was Paul? (Gal 1:13-14; Acts 8) An account of his conversion (Acts 9:1-19) Paul as an apostle: Acts 1: p. 186; cf. 1 Cor 15: 8-11, p. 288). What is Paul’s claim to be an apostle based upon? Galatians 1:11-12, 15-17, p His letters.
Paul’s second missionary journey (49-52 AD)
Beroea, Greece. Our UST Group is About to Get in Trouble…
Happy Ending!
Acts 17: Mars Hill (Areopagus) in Athens. Compare Peter’s speech in Acts 3: with Paul’s speech in Acts 17:
Parthenon, Athens.
Jerusalem conference (48/51? A.D.) The council was gathered in response to the conflict. What was the conflict about (Gal 2: 11-12)? The council is described in Acts 15. According to Acts, what decision was reached? Acts 15:
Churches in Galatia What appears to be the problem of the church in Galatia? (1:6-9; 4: 10-11, 17; 5:2-3). Paul with the church he founded. Philippi, Greece.
Paul & James on Faith & Works What is justification? Read and sum up Gal 2:15-21; 3:10-14; 5:3-6. What is meant by ‘the works of the law’? –Interpret: ‘it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me’ (2: 20). –‘if justification comes through the law, then Christ died for nothing’ (2: 21). What is the place and function of the law? (Gal 3:19, 24) Read and sum up James 2:14-26 Do Paul & James contradict each other? Paul & James use the terms “faith” and “works” differently.
Map 2 nd c.