Summary/Response Essay Purpose: specific and obvious Audience: specific and obvious Focus: based on one article Development: in the Response Coherence: smooth flow, transitions, organization
Summary Cites the Author and title of article Is objective and concise Contains no opinions of the Responder (student essayist) Contains the Author’s Thesis Hits all the important ideas of Author’s original article These subpoints arranged in same order as original article These subpoints given with same degree of emphasis as Author did Clearly states Author’s opinion and attitude about the subject in article Uses some direct quotation from Author Quotations are striking Does NOT contain specific examples Contains “name tags” for quotations and references to Author’s ideas
Response Is subjective (contains Responder’s opinions and attitude) Response targeted on Author’s article, not just the subject ! ! ! Contains much careful Critical Thinking on the part of the Responder –new ideas, not just repetition of author’s points –Response does not contradict itself at any point –contains many specific examples, words, and phrases from Author’s original article –points out errors and/or strengths in Author’s logic and reasoning –contains relevant personal experience of the Responder specific Examples as they relate to article