Department of International Affairs Secretariat for External Relations


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Presentation transcript:

Department of International Affairs Secretariat for External Relations STRATEGY FOR STRENGTHENING CIVIL SOCIETY PARTICIPATION IN THE ACTIVITIES OF THE OAS Department of International Affairs Secretariat for External Relations January 22, 2010

Objectives of civil society participation in OAS activities Background CONTENTS Executive Summary Objectives of civil society participation in OAS activities Background Policy basis of CSO participation in OAS activities, set forth in various mandates Principles that will guide civil society participation at the OAS 6. Actors and requirements considered in the strategy a. Actors b. Requirements for meaningful CSO participation

Elements of the Strategy a. Challenges to be addressed by the Strategy CONTENTS Elements of the Strategy a. Challenges to be addressed by the Strategy b. Registry of Civil Society Organizations in the OAS Level and scope of participation d. Criteria for inviting CSOs to participate in OAS activities e. Proactive delivery of information f. Consultation g. Broad dissemination of the Strategy

PROCESS OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE STRATEGY Contract a consultant / Terms of Reference Analysis of OAS documents related to civil society participation Interviews with key actors: 11 Member States 6 OAS Directors 9 CSO Representatives Para su elaboración, el Departamento de Asuntos Internacionales contrató a una experta de la misma sociedad civil para realizar una investigación sobre el progreso y los desafíos de la participación de la sociedad civil en la OEA. Se formuló un cuestionario con las variables de motivación que mencioné en la página anterior y la consultora entrevistó a 11 Estados Miembros, 6 Directores de los Departamentos que pueden beneficiar más de los aportes de la sociedad civil y 9 representantes de la sociedad civil. Se eligieron a los Estados Miembros según un criterio basado en cuales son los más activos en relación con la participación de la sociedad civil, los países que tiene nueva legislación nacional en temas de sociedad civil, y los Estados que presidan los cuerpos políticos de la OEA. Luego de las entrevistas, se compilaron los comentarios y observaciones de todos los participantes en un documento y realizamos una reunión entre la Secretaría General, los Estados Miembros y representantes de la sociedad civil para discutir colectivamente los resultados. Al final, consideramos los puntos de vista de todos los actores involucrados en el proceso del desarrollo de la Estrategia y la distribuimos a los Estados Miembros para su consideración en mayo de 2009. Para su elaboración, se revisaron todos los antecedentes históricos referentes a la participación de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil (OSC) en la OEA y se realizó un análisis de todos los documentos de la OEA en esta temática, además de solicitar la visión y recomendaciones de representantes de los Estados Miembros, funcionarios de la OEA y representantes de las OSC registradas y no registradas en la OEA sobre la conceptualización y el alcance de esta Estrategia. Consultation about the draft strategy with key actors Analysis and discussion about the results of the process Draft Strategy disseminated to the CISC in May 2009

CIVIL SOCIETY STRATEGY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background Study of OAS documents CIVIL SOCIETY STRATEGY Views and recommendations from Member State representatives and OAS staff Views and recommendations from CSOs

Contribute to strengthening democracy OBJETIVES OF THE STRATEGY Contribute to strengthening democracy Create spaces for substantive, timely, and informed dialogue among representatives of governments and CSOs Foster cooperation by CSOs, allowing them to make contributions and share expertise on matters of public interest

Access to information Equity (equal opportunity) POLICY BASIS AND GUIDING PRINCIPLES POLICY BASIS GUIDING PRINCIPLES Transparency Access to information Equity (equal opportunity) Non-exclusion Recognition of and respect for diversity, receptivity, and voluntary participation OAS Resolutions Articles of the Inter-American Democratic Charter Declarations and Plans of Action of the Summits Process Los mandatos contenidos en la Carta Democrática Interamericana, en las resoluciones de la Asamblea General de la OEA y en las Declaraciones y Planes de Acción del Proceso de Cumbres, constituyen los fundamentos políticos de la participación ciudadana en un sistema democrático y más específicamente de las OSC en las actividades de la OEA.

POLICY BASIS: RESOLUTIONS 1971: GA defines relationship with civil society. 1994: Study begins on the granting of specific status to nongovernmental organizations at the OAS. 1997: Resolution CP/RES. 704 (1129/97) “Status of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in the OAS”. Preparation of guidlines that include: Selection criteria with regard to NGO participation in projects and activities Project financing opportunities Document dissemination to CSOs 1999: In the GA in Guatemala, Resolution AG/RES. 1661 (XXIX-O/99) “The Organization of American States and Civil Society” approves: The establishment of a Committee on Civil Society Participation in OAS Activities within the Permanent Council (PC); Preparation of a Register of NGOs; Resolution CP/RES. 759 (1217/99) “Guidelines for the Participation of Civil Society Organizations in OAS Activities,” which establishes a register of civil society organizations. El interés de la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA) por promover la participación y fomentar sus relaciones con actores no gubernamentales está reflejado en sus actas y documentos desde hace casi cuarenta años. Sin embargo, la dedicación dirigida a definir y regular esta relación se ha dado de manera sistemática en los últimos 10 años

POLICY BASIS: RESOLUTIONS 2001: In the GA in Costa Rica, Resolution AG/RES. 1834 (XXXI-O/01) “The Organization of American States and Civil Society,” instructs the Permanent Council: To develop strategies to increase civil society participation at the OAS. Mandates contained in the Plan of Action of the Summit of the Americas held in Quebec, Canada. 2002: In the Bargados GA, Resolution AG/RES. 1852 (XXXII-O/02) “Increasing and Strengthening Civil Society Participation in OAS Activities,” calls for: Analyzing the feasibility of establishing a specific voluntary fund to support the particiaption of civil society organizations in OAS activities. 2003: Resolution AG/RES. 1915 (XXXIII-O/03) “Increasing and Strengthing Civil Society Participation in OAS Activities” resolves: To include on the draft schedule for regular sessions of the OAS General Assembly, before the inaugural session, as a regular activity, the informal dialogue that has been taking place thus far between heads of delegation and representatives of CSOs. The creation of a specific fund for voluntary contributions to support the participation of CSOs in OAS activities.

POLICY BASIS: RESOLUTIONS 2008: Resolution AG/RES. 2395 (XXXVIII-O/08) “Increasing and Strengthening Civil Society Participation in Activities of the OAS and in the Summits of the Americas Process,” resolves: To request the General Secretariat to develop a strategy for a coordinated approach to encourage civil society participation in OAS activities, for consideration by Member States. CP/CISC-371/08 “Draft Work Plan of the CISC 2008-2009 (Presented by the Chair) The Department of International Affairs of the SER, acting as Technical Secretariat of the CISC, presents a proposed Committee work plan for the 2008-2009 term, which includes actions, the assignment of responsibilities, and timeframes for implementing the mandate set forth in AG/RES. 2395 (XXXVIII-O/08), which, in turn, incorporates the history of mandates issues in this area. Prparation of a Strategy for CSO Participation in OAS Activities by the Department of International Affairs of the SER of the OAS, in pursuit of the mandate given in AG/RES. 2395 (XXXVIII-O/08).

ARTICLES OF THE INTER-AMERICAN DEMOCRATIC CHARTER POLICY BASIS ARTICLES OF THE INTER-AMERICAN DEMOCRATIC CHARTER According to the Inter-American Democratic Charter, democracy is the cornerstone of the OAS, a necessary condition for the countries’ participation, and the basis of all its activities. Article 1: “The peoples of the Americas have a right to democracy and their governments have an obligation to promote and defend it.” Articles 3 and 4 of the Inter-American Democratic Charter refer to the “essential elements” of representative democracy, which include respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms; the exercise of power in accordance with the rule of law; the pluralistic system of political parties; the separation of powers and independence of the branches of government; transparency, probity, and responsible public administration on the part of governments; respect for social rights; and freedom of expression and citizen participation. Article 6 provides that “It is the right and responsibility of all citizens to participate in decisions relating to their own development. This is also a necessary condition for the full and effective exercise of democracy. Promoting and fostering diverse forms of participation strengthens democracy.” Article 26 states that “the OAS will consult and cooperate on an ongoing basis with member states and take into account the contributions of civil society organizations working in those fields.”

POLICY BASIS DECLARATION OF COMMITMENT OF PORT OF SPAIN (V SUMMIT), DECLARATION OF MAR DEL PLATA (IV SUMMIT) AND THE DECLARATION OF NUEVO LEON (SPECIAL SUMMIT) The Declaration of Commitment of Port of Spain: “We commit to continue encouraging the participation of our peoples, through the engagement of our citizens, communities and civil society in the design and execution of development policies and programmes, by providing technical and financial assistance, as appropriate, and in accordance with national legislation to strengthen and build their capacity to participate more fully in the inter-American system.”. The Declaration of Mar del Plata, of the Fourth Summit of the Americas in November 2005, indicates: “Increased participation by citizens, communities, and civil society will contribute to ensuring that the benefits of democracy are shared by society as a whole.” The Declaration of Nuevo Leon: “We recognize the role of civil society and its contribution to sound public administration and we reaffirm the importance of continuing to forge new partnerships that will enable constructive ties to be built between governments, nongovernmental organizations, international organizations, and the diverse sectors of civil society to work in favor of development and democracy.”


CONCEPT CSO: CP/RES. 759 (1217/99) A Civil society organization is any national or international institution, organization, or entity made up of natural or juridical persons of a nongovernmental nature, that carries out activities in areas of work relevant to the functions of the OAS, that do not contradict its principles and norms, and that is legally recognized and has transparent administrative practices.

To register in the OAS, the CSO must: REQUIREMENTS FOR PARTICIPATION CP/RES. 759 (1217/99) “Guidelines for the Participation of Civil Society Organizations in OAS activities” To register in the OAS, the CSO must: Demonstrate that its activities do not contradict the principles of the OAS Have a recognized legal standing and transparent administrative practices Have a legal representative Have an institutional structure that includes appropriate mechanisms for holding its officers accountable Have an established headquarters and conduct its principal activities in one of the OAS Member States Present a report of its sources of financing Be independent from the government Not have its headquarters or conduct their principal activities in any territory over which there exists a sovereignty dispute

ELEMENTS OF THE STRATEGY: CHALLENGES Democratization of access to OAS activities Delivery of relevant, meaningful and timely information for CSO participation Establishing clear, transparent procedures to facilite access and cooperation with OAS bodies Clarifying the apprehensions of Member States regarding CSO representation Eliminate restriction by governments to the participation of CSOs registered in the OAS

Priority will be given to CSOs that meet the following criteria: ELEMENTS OF THE STRATEGY: Registry of CSOs in the OAS Principal mechanism for giving civil society access to participate in OAS activities. Priority will be given to CSOs that meet the following criteria: Experience: CSOs with at least five years of experience and demonstrated experience in their areas of activity Geographic representation and scope: CSOs that perform their work in multiple countries of the Hemisphere, regional networks, subregional and national networks, and individual organizations

Civil Society Organizations Contacts The following is a register of all civil society organizations approved by the Permanent Council for participation in OAS activities, in compliance with Article 7 of Resolution CP/RES. 759. The applications, prepared by the Summits of the Americas Secretariat, are listed beneath the links to the websites of the respective civil society organizations:  A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z| See All Registry of Civil Society Organizations within the Organization of American States (OAS) ELEMENTS: LEVEL AND SCOPE OF PARTICIPATION The OAS grants the CSOs consultative status that allows them to participate in OAS activities. The OAS commits to: Proactive and timely delivery of information Effectively consider the contributions, critiques and proposals put forth by CSOs Delivery of period reports on the work carried out, the recommendations received, and the decisions taken in relation to civil society contributions Un segundo elemento se refiere al nivel y alcance de la participación. Esta estrategia otorga a las OSC una participación de nivel consultivo, según el cual la sociedad civil participa en las actividades de la OEA dando su opinión experta y haciendo aportes a los temas que se tratan, entendiendo que la toma de decisiones es responsabilidad de los Estados Miembros. Sin embargo, es necesario cumplir con 3 requisitos fundamentales para que la participación de la sociedad civil sea satisfactoria: (i) Ser proactiva y oportuna en la entrega de información para que la participación sea informada; (ii) Considerar efectivamente los aportes, críticas y propuestas entregadas por las OSC e incorporar aquellos que contribuyan positivamente al tema en cuestión; y, (iii) entregar una rendición de cuentas del trabajo realizado y las resoluciones tomadas en relación a los aportes recibidos por las OSC.

ELEMENTS: LEVEL AND SCOPE OF PARTICIPATION GA Ministerials PC CAJP CISC CHS Nivel de la participación: la participación de la sociedad civil no se interpreta como una concesión de funciones negociadoras o resolutivas. En ese entendido, la OEA se reserva el derecho a la decisión última sobre las actividades que lleva a cabo en cumplimento de sus funciones. La OEA otorga a las OSC una participación de nivel consultivo, según la cual éstas participan en las actividades de la OEA dando su opinión experta y haciendo aportes a los temas que se tratan en la Organización. Alcances de la participación de las OSC: Esta Estrategia será aplicada en los diferentes órganos e instancias de la OEA, incluyendo el rol que las representaciones de la OEA puedan desempeñar en los países para promover una mayor participación de las OSC en las actividades de las OEA. Se propone para el período inicial de implementación de la Estrategia, la puesta en marcha del nivel consultivo antes mencionado en forma paulatina en las instancias correspondientes a reuniones donde se realizan los debates y se toman las resoluciones más relevantes sobre temas de mayor interés para el diálogo entre sociedad civil y OEA: Asamblea General Reuniones Ministeriales Comisiones del Consejo Permanente: Comisión de Asuntos Jurídicos y Políticos; Comisión sobre Gestión de Cumbres Interamericanas y la Participación de la Sociedad Civil en las Actividades de la OEA; Comisión de Seguridad Hemisférica Asimismo, la Estrategia propone la revisión del Reglamento de la Asamblea General en cuanto a la participación de la sociedad civil como “Invitados Especiales”, otorgando a las OSC registradas en la OEA el derecho a participar en o asistir, como observadores, a la Asamblea General de la OEA sin la necesidad de aprobación adicional del Consejo Permanente ya que su registro fue aprobado oportunamente por parte de los Estados Miembros en la Comisión sobre Gestión de Cumbres Interamericanas y Participación de la Sociedad Civil en las Actividades de la OEA (CISC) y el Consejo Permanente.

Prior entry in the Registry Relevance Civil Society Organizations Contacts The following is a register of all civil society organizations approved by the Permanent Council for participation in OAS activities, in compliance with Article 7 of Resolution CP/RES. 759. The applications, prepared by the Summits of the Americas Secretariat, are listed beneath the links to the websites of the respective civil society organizations:  A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z| See All Registry of Civil Society Organizations within the Organization of American States (OAS) ELEMENTOS: CRITERIA FOR INVITING CSOs TO PARTICIPATE IN OAS ACTIVITIES Prior entry in the Registry Relevance Breadth or scope (regional and subregional networks, thematic areas) El tercer elemento se refiere a los criterios para que la OEA invite a OSC a participar en sus actividades, dirigidos a simplificar los procedimientos y resguardar la calidad de la participación. Los tres criterios son (i) Estar inscritas previamente en el registro, (ii) Pertinencia y alcance de la trayectoria de las OSC con los temas a tratar, y (iii) Preferencia a las redes regionales, luego las subregionales, posteriormente las redes nacionales y finalmente las organizaciones individuales. Registry of Civil Society Organizations within the Organization of American States (OAS) The following is a register of all civil society organizations approved by the Permanent Council for participation in OAS activities, in compliance with Article 7 of Resolution CP/RES. 759. A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z| See All

ELEMENTS: PROACTIVE DELIVERY OF INFORMATION General information on the Web Individualized information to CSOs Información general en la Web: Un calendario con todas las reuniones previstas de cada una de las instancias a las que aplica esta propuesta; Los temas de la agenda de cada actividad, con el programa, horario, participantes y toda información relevante sobre la preparación de la misma, en cuanto esta se produzca; Información clara sobre cual es el procedimiento para manifestar interés en participar; y Publicación en la Web de toda la documentación que se refiera a los temas de la reunión que estén siendo consideradas para los debates y toma de decisiones. Información individualizada a las OSC: La OEA enviará a todas las OSC acreditadas una comunicación por e-mail informando del inicio de los preparativos para cualquiera de las reuniones mencionadas. Esta comunicación se hará con la antelación necesaria que permita que las OSC interesadas programar su participación y prepararla para que sea pertinente y sustantiva; Recepción de solicitud de participación de OSC interesadas en participar; Cursar la invitación a participar de acuerdo a los criterios establecidos; y Enviar la agenda de la reunión con los tiempos para la participación.

Civil Society Organizations ELEMENTS: CONSULTATION Contacts The following is a register of all civil society organizations approved by the Permanent Council for participation in OAS activities, in compliance with Article 7 of Resolution CP/RES. 759. The applications, prepared by the Summits of the Americas Secretariat, are listed beneath the links to the websites of the respective civil society organizations:  A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z| See All Registry of Civil Society Organizations within the Organization of American States (OAS) ELEMENTS: CONSULTATION A clear recognized approach that allows for substantive dialogue Study of contributions by participatns, decision-making, and preparation of the report Distribution of reports on the outcome

ELEMENTS: BROAD DISSEMINATION OF THE STRATEGY Civil Society Organizations Contacts The following is a register of all civil society organizations approved by the Permanent Council for participation in OAS activities, in compliance with Article 7 of Resolution CP/RES. 759. The applications, prepared by the Summits of the Americas Secretariat, are listed beneath the links to the websites of the respective civil society organizations:  A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z| See All Registry of Civil Society Organizations within the Organization of American States (OAS) ELEMENTS: BROAD DISSEMINATION OF THE STRATEGY ESTRATGIA DE LA SOCIEDAD CIVIL