History Homework- Spring1 Conspiracy Theories Select one of the following events to independently study and research conspiracy theories for: JFK Assassination Titanic The World Trade Centre (9/11) Moon Landings The death of Princess Diana Week 1: Research the official story of what happened and collect some primary sources to support this Week 2/3: Research at least two conspiracy theories that contradict the official story of what happened. It is important that you have collected the evidence the conspiracy theorists put forward as well- even better if you can find evidence against it too! Week 4/5: Continue to write up your investigation. Make sure you are discussing the reliability of the evidence and that you come to a conclusion (use the writing frames provided to help you) Resources and writing frames are on the student drive waiting for you! DEADLINE: W/B 3 rd February History Homework- Spring1 Conspiracy Theories Select one of the following events to independently study and research conspiracy theories for: JFK Assassination Titanic The World Trade Centre (9/11) Moon Landings The death of Princess Diana Week 1: Research the official story of what happened and collect some primary sources to support this Week 2/3: Research at least two conspiracy theories that contradict the official story of what happened. It is important that you have collected the evidence the conspiracy theorists put forward as well- even better if you can find evidence against it too! Week 4/5: Continue to write up your investigation. Make sure you are discussing the reliability of the evidence and that you come to a conclusion (use the writing frames provided to help you) Resources and writing frames are on the student drive waiting for you! DEADLINE: W/B 3 rd February History Homework- Spring1 Conspiracy Theories Select one of the following events to independently study and research conspiracy theories for: JFK Assassination Titanic The World Trade Centre (9/11) Moon Landings The death of Princess Diana Week 1: Research the official story of what happened and collect some primary sources to support this Week 2/3: Research at least two conspiracy theories that contradict the official story of what happened. It is important that you have collected the evidence the conspiracy theorists put forward as well- even better if you can find evidence against it too! Week 4/5: Continue to write up your investigation. Make sure you are discussing the reliability of the evidence and that you come to a conclusion (use the writing frames provided to help you) Resources and writing frames are on the student drive waiting for you! DEADLINE: W/B 3 rd February History Homework- Spring1 Conspiracy Theories Select one of the following events to independently study and research conspiracy theories for: JFK Assassination Titanic The World Trade Centre (9/11) Moon Landings The death of Princess Diana Week 1: Research the official story of what happened and collect some primary sources to support this Week 2/3: Research at least two conspiracy theories that contradict the official story of what happened. It is important that you have collected the evidence the conspiracy theorists put forward as well- even better if you can find evidence against it too! Week 4/5: Continue to write up your investigation. Make sure you are discussing the reliability of the evidence and that you come to a conclusion (use the writing frames provided to help you) Resources and writing frames are on the student drive waiting for you! DEADLINE: W/B 3 rd February