Unit 5 Vocabulary
Accomplice (N.) A person who takes part in a crime Syn. – partner in crime
Brazen (adj.) Shameless, impudent Syn. – bold, saucy
Facilitate (v.) To make easier; assist Syn. – ease, simplify Ant. – obstruct, impede
Militant (adj.) Active and aggressive in support of a cause Syn. – truculent Ant. – peaceable, unassertive
Militant (n.) An activist
Paramount (adj.) Above all others; chief in importance Syn. – primary, supreme Ant. -- secondary
Reprimand (v.) To scold; to find fault with Syn. – reproach Ant. – pat on the back
Stagnant (adj.) Foul from standing still; not running or flowing Syn. – still, motionless, sluggish Ant. – flowing, fresh
Annihilate (v.) To destroy completely Syn. – obliterate, decimate Ant. – foster, nurture
Catalyst (n.) A substance that causes a change; any agent that causes a change Syn. – stimulus, spur
Incorrigible (adj.) Beyond control; not able to be corrected Syn. – unruly, intractable Ant. – curable, reparable
Morose (adj.) Having a gloomy or sullen manner Syn. – morbid Ant. – buoyant, lively
Prattle (v.) To talk in an aimless, foolish, or simple way
Prattle (n.) Baby talk; babble Syn. -- gibberish
Servitude (n.) Forced labor; slavery Syn. – bondage Ant. -- liberty
Succumb (v.) To give way to superior force; yield Syn. – submit Ant. – overcome, master
Arbitrary (n.) Unreasonable; based on one’s wishes or whims without regard for reason Syn. – autocratic Ant. – rational, objective
Exodus (n.) A large scale departure or flight Syn. – escape Ant. – arrival, immigration
Latent (adj.) Hidden, present but not realized Syn. – dormant, inactive Ant. – exposed, evident
Opaque (adj.) Not letting light through; dense, stupid Syn. – hazy, murky, obtuse Ant. – transparent, clear, bright
Rebut (v.) To offer arguments or evidence that contradict an assertion Syn. – refute, shoot holes in Ant. – confirm, corroborate
Slapdash (adj.) Careless and hasty Syn. – slipshod Ant. – thorough, in-depth