San José 15.Title & Maps 1.2”x 2”Map of country (blank from teacher), student labels San Jose and neighboring country and adjacent bodies of water 2.List of things you would like to do there (5) 16.½ page City map w/ specific locations labeled (16) Descriptions of each of the places 1.) Jardin de Mariposas, 2) El Mercado Central, 3) Avenida Central, 4) El Edificio Metálico, 5) La Sabana, 6) El Monumento Nacional, 7) Parque Central, 8) El Teatro Nacional, 9) Museo de Arte Costrarricense 17.Letter from San Jose Imagine you are with a friend who lives in San José. He/She spent all day yesterday taking you to places in the city. Write a letter in English to a friend describing 3 or 4 places you went. Use information you learned in this chapter.
Palabras y Frases útiles Describing your daily routine - Libro Vocabulary (green words & phrases; include others if you aren’t familiar with them) 2.Write out the sentences from page 168 ex. 3 with information about your daily routine 79.Telling someone to hurry & responding - libro 167 -Vocab & phrases -Using pictures in exercise 5, create questions & responses using the new vocabulary. 80.Reminding someone to do something and responding - libro 168 Vocabulary & phrases Choose 4 pictures from ex 5 on page 169. For each: Write out a question asking if you remembered to do the activity (include name of activity) Write out a different response for each activity one saying you already did it, one saying you forgot & one saying you will do it Conversation Illustration or Dialogue use “acordarse & the preterite tú form to ask) & olvidarse and (no) poder in responses follow the instructions in exercise 6
P 81 – Los Intereses vocabulary from in the following categories: me interesa/me llama la atención, me interesa un poco & no me interesa para nada; add: los deportes al aire libre, aprender a pintar, escribir poemas y cuentos, tocar el violín, practicar los artes marciales, hacer ejercicios aeróbicos (taped) Exercise 21 (sentences about YOU) 82 – Que te interesa Exprésate box 197 Questions for the class (you create) Finalized poll chart (taped) 83 Hace…que to copy vocab from 180 in stem form onto page 82 of ITN and rules for "Hace with time expressions" from page 184 onto page 132 Examples Sentence telling something you’ve done for a while Sentence telling something you haven’t done for a while
Claves/Consejos gramaticales – 128: Poder & Traer in the Preterit Write the preterit charts & rules for PODER and TRAER at the top Create and write 5 statements 4 about what you did last week (in preterite) one telling two things you brought to school ask your partner if they were able to do them also using the preterit of “poder”. Ask them what they brought to school today using “traer”. : Verbs with Reflexive Pronouns Copy rules from page 172 in book Create 2 sentences to tell your sibling/friend what to do or not to do to get to school on time in the morning using the verbs from page 167 -Build 5 sentences using the pictures in exercise 14 to describe what your mother/grandmother, siblings/parents/friends (must be plural 3rd person), sibling & you or father/mother & you do in the morning. 131: Possessive Adjectives (long form) Create statements from the stem words in ex 19 and have partner agree or contradict using long-form poss adj—write a sentence reporting your partners agreement/disagreement using long-form possessive adjectives (i.e.: Mi abuela es simpática. La mía también es simpática)
Claves/Consejos gramaticales – 132: Hace with time expressions rules for "Hace with time expressions" from page 184 onto page 132 Create a time line of at least 5 of the activities prompts in exercise 31 on page 203 133: Negative Expressions Negative Expressions rules from page 200 in the book create negative questions about your class using reviewed phrases including what no one in class likes doing, something you all never do and what type of book/movie/cd you don't own & what "Not one" person in class likes to do 134: Pero/Sino Rules p 185 Complete the prompts according to your own interests in ex 34 p 186