Examine passbook and pay in slip (SB-103). Check the cash tendered with SB-103. Make entry in record viz passbook etc. Send documents to Assistant Postmaster/Sub Postmaster for authorization. Return passbook & counter foil to depositor on return from Assistant Postmaster/Sub Postmaster PPT 1.2 RULE NO : 31 POSB Manual Volume -I
Check & verify the entry in record and authorize. Hand over the counter foil & passbook to counter PA to return to depositor. PPT
Examination of cheque & pay in slip Affix date stamp on pay in slip (foil & counter foil) Detach counter foil & hand over to depositor Prepare cheque list for local & out station cheques separately for clearance On clearance of cheques make entry of deposit Whenever depositor produce the passbook, make entry in passbook. PPT RULE NO : 31 POSB Manual Volume -I
Fill up the pay in slip (SB-103) properly. Hand over the cash, SB-103 & passbook to counter PA. Collect the passbook & counter foil on completion of transaction. Check the balance in passbook after transaction. minimum cash deposit Rs. 5/- by cheque Rs. 20/- Mode of deposits - DD, Pay Order, Dividend Warrant, Int. Warrant, Refund Order, Pension, Maturity Instrument, Crossed IPO. PPT RULE NO : 31 POSB Manual Volume -I
Cheque collection charges. Cheque collection charges are taken only for out station cheques. Out station cheque clearing charges- Up to Rs. 1000/- - Rs. 30/- Rs. 1000/- and Part thereof - Rs. 3/- PPT RULE NO : 31 POSB Manual Volume -I
Cheque collection charges. Cheque collection charges will be charged to the depositor’s account. No collection charges will be charged on outstation cheques drawn on Post Office Savings Bank. 5/5/2015
Service Charges Service charges for dishonored Rs 50/- per cheque. Postage charges for returning the dishonored cheque on intimation to the depositor by post will also be debited to the depositor's account.
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