Area and Perimeter Yr 8 QCA, HBS, Ri
Queen Dido
Help Queen Dido What the shape with the biggest area that you can make with her piece of string?
hOlely ImpOssible! Is it possible for you to cut a hole in an A4 size sheet of paper and so that you and your colleagues can walk right through that hole? If no, explain why. If yes, cut such a hole and submit it as a solution!
Which shapes match? ?
Make your own match In groups, detach the sleeve from the old t- shirt. In the body of the t-shirt draw a suitable shape to match with the sleeve hole - any shape but a circle. What is your guess of how it will look like?
Grab a penny coin and a 2 pence coin. Draw the circle around the 1p coin on a piece of paper and cut it out. How can we pass the 2p coin through this hole without tearing the paper? Puzzle