RE 4202 REAL ESTATE INTERNSHIP PROGRAM Department of Real Estate AY 2013/2014 Semester 2
REIP 2014 Two components – graded and ungraded Graded – from 19 May to 18 July 2014 Worth 4 MC’s Grading based on the following: Employer appraisal 50% Journal report10% Project report40%
JOURNAL REPORT Cover page (detach from Annex II) Intro: name & brief description of organization, org chart, etc. Reflection – summary of experiences, lessons learnt, suggestions, etc. (not exceeding 3 pages, 1.5 line spacing, font 12) Appendix – weekly log sheet signed off by supervisor Grading based on comprehensiveness of record, depth of reflection and thought Copy to employer
PROJECT REPORT Any topic, based on work experience, data that can be collected, case study, etc. Seek approval from employer Grading based on depth of report, and demonstration of application of concepts learnt during course Not exceeding 10 pages using 1.5 line spacing, font 12 Possible dissertation or case study topic Both reports by 27 Aug 2014
ALLOCATION OF GRADED PLACEMENTS By online application at Indicate max 3 choices, and attach CV’s. Submit hard copy to Gen Office by deadline Best “fit” based on known characteristics of employer and applicant Notification from 21 Feb 2014 on allocation, with final placement subject to employer’s confirmation Note that no appeals are allowed
LIST OF NON-GRADED PLACEMENTS You may also apply for them and the process will be the same
WORDS OF ADVICE Be positive Be diligent Don’t be afraid to ask questions, but be sensitive to situations Have fun!