by Coyne FINAL JEOPARDY QUESTION FINAL JEOPARDY QUESTION #1 Bird, Leaves, Water Quality, Run-Off, Waste Water & Storm Water FINAL JEOPARDY QUESTION #2
Birds Land and Water DefinitionsLeaves
Row 1, Col 1 1) What are Penguin, Ostrich, Emu, and Kiwi? 2) What are wings that are too weak or small to make them airborne? 1)Four birds that cannot fly. 2) Reason why certain types of birds cannot fly
1,2 What is land subsidence? Land that falls or drops due to water leaving below the surface (example: a sink hole); also, a sinking of land that occurs when large amounts of ground water have been excessively taken from an aquifer
1,3 What is effluent? Water exiting a pipe; usually polluted
1,4 What a (1) paw paw leaf and what is (2) an oak leaf? 1. 2.
2,1 The basic characters of birds are: 1)animals with feathers 2)skeletons are very lightweight because 3)bones are hollow 4)fewer bones than most other vertebrates What are the four basic characters of birds?
2,2 What is Western Part of Virginia (Appalachian/Blue Ridge Mountains)? There is a lot of limestone in the area. Part of Virginia that is susceptible to sink holes & why
2,3 What is recharge? The water table is replenished by precipitation
2,4 What is maple leaf?
DOUBLE Jeopardy 3,1 What are flapping, hovering, gliding, and soaring? 1)Flapping: travel short distance, requires a large amount of energy, very fast and is also for migration 2)Hovering: used to remain stationary over one spot; requires more energy than flapping; only a few species can hover (hummingbird) 3)Gliding: the simplest form of flight, it requires the least amount of energy 4) Soaring: used by birds with large wingspans (vultures, eagles, albatross) Four types of flight. Explain each type of flight
3,2 What is an Artesian Wells? Water bubbling to the surface that is not dug up or pumped
3,3 What is runoff? 1.Occurs when rain or water does not absorb or unable to absorb then flows in to the water systems, streams, rivers, bay, and ocean. 2.Can harm fish by heating up too much, 3.Added pollutants to streams (carries salt from roads to rivers) 4.Is greater in urban areas
3,4 What is a beech leaf?
4,1 1)What is the Ostrich is the largest bird (8 ft. tall & weigh more than 300 lbs.) 2)The hummingbird is the smallest (2 in. long & weigh less than 1 ounce) 1) Largest bird and dimensions. 2) Smallest bird and dimensions.
4,2 What is 1) Point Source? What is 2) Non-point Source? 1)Is a visible source of contamination to the environment 2) Is a source of contamination that is not visible
4,3 1) What Sludge? 2) What is a Sludge Cake? 1)The residue remaining after water treatment. 2) After the solids and greases removed from water during treatment, they are dried and made into this.
4,4 What is tulip poplar leaf?
5,1 What is Binocular vision? Example: owls & eagles What is Monocular vision? Example: song bird 1)Is 3 dimensional which is important in judging distance & is necessary in hunting fast-moving prey. Example? 2) Allows eyes to see far to the side to detach predators. Example?
5,2 1) Eutrophication is when there are too many nutrients in the water system which causes an algae bloom. 2) More nutrients causes More Algae causes Less Oxygen results in a DEAD ZONE 1) What is eutrophication? 2) How would we know if it were occurring?
DOUBLE Jeopardy 5,3 1)What is aquifer? 2)What is the unsaturated zone? 3)What is a storage pond? 1)A body of water contained underground; also the rock formation that hold the underground water 2)The area of land underground between the surface & the water table 3)An area of land designed to hold water near the run off, ultimately refilling the water table (man made)
5,4 What is a (1) hickory leaf and what is a (2) sassafras leaf? 1. 2.
Crop: part of the esophagus is a storage chamber for food passing to the stomach; hard foods (seeds) Stomach: Glanduar that has digestive enzymes to break down protein and desolve bones, fur) Gizzard: a muscular stomach that contains small stones & grit to crush food 1. FINAL JEOPARDY 1.What are the 3 parts of a birds digestive track? 2.What is the function of each?
2. FINAL JEOPARDY 1.What happens in the preliminary treatment 2. What happens in the primary treatment 3.What happens in the secondary treatment of waste water? Preliminary: screening out large objects like sticks, rags, gravel, toys so the pumps do not get damaged. Primary: 2 nd step separates the suspended solids and grease. Waste water is held in a tank for many hours to allow particles to settle to the bottom and the grease to float. Secondary: biological treatment removes dissolved organic materials from the clarified waster water.