Skin Cancer Sarah Boyce Sawyer, MD Dermatology & Laser of Alabama
Skin Cancer Melanoma Squamous cell carcinoma Basal cell carcinoma
Statistics BCCSCCMMAll other 1,000, ,00055,0001,285,000 CA 52(1):10, 2002.
Lifetime Risk of Developing Melanoma Rigel DS, et al. NYU Melanoma Cooperative Group, :1,500 1:600 1:250 1:150 1:100 1:71
Melanoma Facts (2002) 6/7 skin cancer deaths. More common than any other nonskin cancer in women years old. Lifetime risk was 1/71 in the year person dies of melanoma every hour. 6 th and 7 th most common cancer in men and women respectively.
Types of Melanoma 1) Superficial spreading-70% 2) Nodular-15% 3) Acral lentiginous-8% 4) Lentigo maligna-5% 5) Other-2%
Acral Lentiginous Melanoma
Nodular Melanoma
Therapy for Melanoma Excision +/- LND Sentinel lymphoscintigraphy No effective adjuvant therapy – Interferon alpha-2b – Radiation – Chemotherapy
Dysplastic Nevi
Non-melanoma skin cancer Squamous cell carcinoma Basal cell carcinoma Lifetime risk: 1 in 3 in Caucasians
Squamous cell carcinoma Erythematous to skin-colored, hyperkeratotic, scaly papule/plaque +/- overlying crust or eschar, underlying induration, and ulceration. Differentiation – Well – Moderate – Poor
Squamous cell carcinoma Higher risk for metastasis – Lower lip (16%) – Osteomyelitic ulcer (31%), an area of prior radiation (20%), or burn scar (18%) – “Modified” skin, e.g., the glans penis, the vulva, or the oral mucosa – The host is immunocompromised – Diameter > 2.0 cm
Squamous cell carcinoma
Basal Cell Carcinoma Most common skin cancer diagnosed Rarely metastatic (invades locally) Can be pearly papule or scaling macule/plaque From basal layer of epidermis
Types of basal cell carcinoma Nodulo-ulcerative or nodular Superficial multifocal Morpheaform or sclerosing Pigmented Fibroepithelioma
Noduloulcerative Translucent, waxy papule/plaque with “rolled- edge” border +/- central ulceration and telangiectasia
Noduloulcerative basal cell carcinoma
Superficial multifocal type Ill-defined, erythematous, scaling papule/plaque with minimal underlying induration
Superficial multifocal type
Morpheaform or sclerosing type Ill-defined, depressed, firm skin-colored to yellowish papule/plaque with rare ulceration
Morpheaform or sclerosing type
Pigmented basal cell carcinoma Similar to nodular basal cell carcinoma but has pigment Melanoma in differential diagnosis
Pigmented basal cell carcinoma
Fibroepithelioma –Pedunculated, skin-colored to erythematous papules 1 o on the trunk
Treatment Shave ED & C Excision Mohs micrographic surgery