Liberal Reforms 1906-1914 Revision – Mind Maps!
Liberal Reforms 1906-1914 These mind maps are intended to help you remember some of the main points. You should use your notes to add much more detail! Each area of a mind map should become a separate section in your paper 1 essay answer. Remember - problems for group (young etc) / ways acts helped + why? / drawbacks + why?
Liberal Reforms 1906-1914 Remember the ‘Correction Code’ – take pride in your work! Remember how essays are marked = 20 marks total 4 for structure (intro/ equal sections/ conclusion + – / answer the question!) 6 for Knowledge 10 for Analysis
Liberal Reforms – Success?
Liberal Reforms – Success? Young Old Liberal Reforms – Success? Unemployed Sick
Liberal Reforms – Success? Young School Meals 1906 “feed the stomach…” 3 million 1906 – 50% local authority 14million by 1914 – compulsory 1914! Medical Inspections 1907 Not popular with Liberals – show ill health! 90% bad teeth, 9% Ricketts! 1912 Gov provide treatment Old 1908/1909 – 5s a week. Popular – 500’000 / 650’000 / 1000’000 by 1914! 70 = less cost / less claims! Below Rowntree’s poverty line Liberal Reforms – Success? Sick National Insurance 1911 – employee, employer & state contribution “9 pence for 4 pence!” Breadwinner covered! Problems = friendly societies / Peoples Budget (Parliament Act 1911) Unemployed Workman’s Act 1905 Distress committees – 1st step state responsibility! Unemployment Insurance 1912/1913 – 2.3 million, but only certain trades! Labour Exchanges 1909 – 3000 jobs a day (Skilled workers) Unskilled = meal, wash, shave & mend clothes!
Liberal Reforms – Why?
Liberal Reforms – Why? National Security National Efficiency New Liberalism Threat from Labour Reports on Poverty
Liberal Reforms – Why? National Security National Efficiency Boer War 1899-1902 – 50% recruits rejected! Defend the Empire! National Efficiency Need healthy work force. More workers = more taxes! = more money for government! Liberal Reforms – Why? New Liberalism Lloyd George cared about poor. Churchill worried about losing power! Threat from Labour New party for working class. All working class men can vote by 1900. Pressure on other parties to do more! Reports on Poverty Booth & Rowntree (London & York). 30% in poverty! Pressure on government.