UNIT 22 PARTY – Parti PHRASES “İfadeler / Tamlamalar”
Which of …………………. What …………………. of parties What on …………………. Delicious …………………. Die of …………………. - eating Can’t help ………………….(Ving) Have a good …………………. them kind earth cookies over eating time earth, cookies, them, over, eating, time kind,
Have …………………. Enjoy …………………. Aykut and Leyla are ………………….. Call a …………………. Eating …………………. Look …………………. Party - …………………. fun Yourself / yourselVES dating taxi habits terrible goer dating, taxi, habits, fun, yourself, terrible, goer,
Party …………………. Admire …………………. At …………………. Have …………………. appointment A …………………. assistant Fancy …………………. party Welcome home …………………. addict someone once an shop dress party addict, an, dress, party,shop, someone, once,
Welcome …………………. party A cold …………………. …………………. attention Around the …………………. The renewal of the …………………. Scandinavian …………………. Fly the …………………. outside the house Have a …………………. home drink pay world soul people flag birthday soul, people, home, drink, pay, world, flag, birthday,
Make birthday …………………. In medieval …………………. …………………. coins …………………. their children’s heads …………………. smoking Entertain …………………. cakes times fake Shave quit people quit, people, times, cakes, fake, shave
A sense of …………………. Tell a …………………. Organize a …………………. …………………. clues A diving …………………. Take a …………………. humour joke party visual course trip visual, humour, joke, party, course, trip,
Indoor or …………………. Indoor …………………. Have a …………………. Work in …………………. Birthday …………………. outdoor parties bath pairs present bath, pairs, outdoor, parties, present,