Closing and Opening the Record Book New Year’s Resolutions
I will not look at boys 13 year old girl
I will not tell the same story at every get together Incorrigible bore
I will eat ice cream at midnight – every day this year Ice cream lover
I will not let my dog growl at me, steal food from my plate or hog my pillow Owner of an untrained dog
I won’t worry so much Fuss budget
I will grow my hair Short haired person
I will shave my beard Hairy man
So many men, so little time – I will take more time Single woman
So many woman, so little time – I will take more time Single man
This year I am going to be kind Mean person
I will not tell lies this year 10 year old liar
I will not let lose of my bodily functions when someone is walking underneath Crow on the top branch of a tree
I will never squat again with my spurs on Cowboy
I will complete my record book and open my new one Ag Student