Past Participles (100 Most common irregular verbs) Universidad Santiago de Cali Professor: Arturo Valderruten Vidal Instructions: Search a verb alphabetically.


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Presentation transcript:

Past Participles (100 Most common irregular verbs) Universidad Santiago de Cali Professor: Arturo Valderruten Vidal Instructions: Search a verb alphabetically to practice or go straight for the quiz.

Irregular English verbs are difficult for students to memorize. By grouping verbs with similar changes together, you can remember them more easily. Here are some groups of irregular verbs that follow the same system of changes. Study the examples below, then deduct the past participle forms of the verbs in each group. (A) VOWEL CHANGES TO U(B) VOWEL CHANGES TO O, ENDS IN EN PRESENT Begin Drink Swim PARTICIPLE Begun ? PRESENT Awake break choose PARTICIPLE Awoken ? (C) ENDS IN EN(D) ENDS IN OWN PRESENT Mistake Drive Write PARTICIPLE Mistaken ? PRESENT Blow Fly Grow PARTICIPLE Flown ? (E) LAST SYLLABLE CHANGES, ENDS IN UGHT (F) SOME PARTICIPLES DON’T CHANGE PRESENT Bring Catch Teach PARTICIPLE Brought ? PRESENT Cut Come Let PARTICIPLE Cut ?

In Spanish, please: Simple form: awake Past participle: ? Click to answer despertar Eating chocolate at night can potentially awake your brain.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: be Past participle: ? Click to answer ser / estar I'm a good student.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: beat Past participle: ? Click to answer vencer, derrotar / golpear He may have a slower heart rate, but he can beat me in cycling any day.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: become Past participle: ? Click to answer volverse Humans are about to become a majority urban species for the first time.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: begin Past participle: ? Click to answer comenzar When pineapple leaves start to grow, begin fertilizing.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: bet Past participle: ? Click to answer apostar I bet $ that Deportivo Cali wins next Sunday.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: blow Past participle: ? Click to answer soplar If the wind doesn't blow, the grass doesn't stir.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: bite Past participle: ? Click to answer morder Barking dogs don't bite.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: break Past participle: ? Click to answer romper Despite one misconception, there is no evidence that a bone that breaks will heal to be stronger than it was before.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: bring Past participle: ? Click to answer traer Remember to bring the music for the party.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: build Past participle: ? Click to answer construir We build a new stadium for our team.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: burn Past participle: burned and …? Click to answer quemar That acid can burn your skin.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: buy Past participle: ? Click to answer comprar I need to buy a lamp for the livingroom.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: catch Past participle: ? Click to answer atrapar, agarrar I prefer to stay home, I don't want to catch a flu.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: choose Past participle: ? Click to answer escoger I think I'll choose the blue dress.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: come Past participle: ? Click to answer venir, llegar / venirse Come to my office, so we can discuss this issue personally.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: cost Past participle: ? Click to answer costar The jacket costs five hundred dollars, it's too expensive.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: cut Past participle: ? Click to answer cortar Cut the lemon in two halves and squeeze it.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: deal Past participle: ? Click to answer negociar Because you can't deal with people in this manner.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: dig Past participle: ? Click to answer cavar Knowing where fossils were found in the past might help them decide where to dig.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: do Past participle: ? Click to answer hacer What are you doing?

In Spanish, please: Simple form: draw Past participle: ? Click to answer dibujar The kid is drawing a rabbit.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: dream Past participle: dreamed and …? Click to answer soñar It's funny, but when I dream, I can't fight anybody.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: drink Past participle: ? Click to answer beber New regulations in Colombia has increased fines to those who drive after drinking liquor.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: drive Past participle: ? Click to answer conducir, manejar I arrest you for driving under the influence of alcohol.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: eat Past participle: ? Click to answer comer I love to eat healthy food.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: fall Past participle: ? Click to answer caer When drops of rain fall, some of them flow downhill, each carrying a bit of dirt.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: feed Past participle: ? Click to answer alimentar The lights on the tank extend daylight hours to keep the fish feeding longer and growing faster.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: feel Past participle: ? Click to answer sentir If you feel blue, it means that you feel sad.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: fight Past participle: ? Click to answer pelear Don't fight against a bully, try to talk to teachers instead.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: find Past participle: ? Click to answer encontrar I can't find this address, can you give me some directions?

In Spanish, please: Simple form: fit Past participle: fitted and …? Click to answer caber, quedar bien la ropa These new blue jeans really fit very well.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: fly Past participle: ? Click to answer volar This theory states that some dinosaurs learned how to fly and evolved into birds.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: forbid Past participle: ? Click to answer prohibir They forbid eating snacks in this theater.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: forget Past participle: ? Click to answer olvidar Don't forget to turn off the light when you leave the bedroom.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: forgive Past participle: ? Click to answer perdonar Forgive my manners, sometimes I act in a wrong way, but I promise I'll change.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: freeze Past participle: ? Click to answer congelar Remember to freeze any food you're not going to eat immediately.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: get Past participle: ? Click to answer conseguir, obtener / llegar Results are what you expect, and consequences are what you get.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: give Past participle: ? Click to answer dar This equipment is a lot more useful when the data it gives can be quickly related to our observations.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: go Past participle: ? Click to answer ir His family didn't talk about work because he's going to school and he loves to go to school.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: grow Past participle: ? Click to answer crecer With the help of this vitamin complement we keep the pigs growing faster.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: hang Past participle: hanged and …? Click to answer colgar The corpse was found hanging from a tree.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: have Past participle: ? Click to answer tener I have a good idea: I want to learn most of the verbs conjugations.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: hear Past participle: ? Click to answer oír The voice you hear when you speak is the combination of sound carried along both ears.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: hide Past participle: ? Click to answer esconder The trouble is, too many clouds hide where the sun will shine.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: hit Past participle: ? Click to answer golpear Whether the pitcher hits the stone or the stone hits the pitcher, it goes ill with the pitcher.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: hold Past participle: ? Click to answer sostener Hold the camera phone with both hands when you shoot the video.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: hurt Past participle: ? Click to answer herir, lastimar Evidence is mounting that repeated concussions can hurt the brain in the long-term.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: keep Past participle: ? Click to answer mantener / sostener With regard to donations always expect the most from prudent people, who keep their own accounts.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: know Past participle: ? Click to answer saber, conocer I know this land like the back of my hand.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: lead Past participle: ? Click to answer liderar As a candidate, if elected, I'm well prepared to lead this country through a path of peace and prosperity.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: leap Past participle: leaped and …? Click to answer saltar It's a small step for a man, but a giant leap for mankind.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: learn Past participle: learned and …? Click to answer aprender I can learn more from repetition and memory exercises rather than those annoying grammar-based exercises.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: leave Past participle: ? Click to answer salir, irse When confronted by predators, elk are likely to flee in a herd, leaving the weak behind as prime targets.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: lend Past participle: ? Click to answer dar en préstamo So I asked my dad to lend me his brand-new car, and guess what he said?

In Spanish, please: Simple form: let Past participle: ? Click to answer permitir, dejar Let the kid play with mud. Some doctors say it actually helpls him build antibodies.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: light Past participle: lighted and …? Click to answer That's another blackout, let me just light a few candles. alumbrar

In Spanish, please: Simple form: lose Past participle: ? Click to answer perder In some types of deafness, you only lose the ability to hear high or low tones.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: make Past participle: ? Click to answer hacer, fabricar The wood resisted rot and termites, making it a favorite for fencing, utility poles and furniture.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: mean Past participle: ? Click to answer significar, querer decir But it also means that college doesn't provide the usual escape from the realities of the job market.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: meet Past participle: ? Click to answer conocer / encontrarse con / satisfacer It's a pleasure to meet you.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: pay Past participle: ? Click to answer pagar Money borrowed without security is a debt of honor that you must pay as promptly as possible.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: put Past participle: ? Click to answer poner She had to be put on medication to heal her sick liver.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: quit Past participle: ? Click to answer dejar de, abandonar / marcharse / renunciar The last two park rangers quit because of ghosts.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: ride Past participle: ? Click to answer montar en / viajar en Strong Men, riding horses. In the West On a range five hundred miles away.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: ring Past participle: ? Click to answer timbrar Does it ring the bell?

In Spanish, please: Simple form: rise Past participle: ? Click to answer subir, elevar / aumentar It also means that demand will rise more generally, since consumers and business people will be more willing to travel.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: run Past participle: ? Click to answer correr The amount of skin indicates how muscular the hadrosaur was and, consequently, how fast it could run.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: say Past participle: ? Click to answer decir Hear what four scholars have to say about this discovery.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: see Past participle: ? Click to answer ver We can expect to see many similar advances in the near future.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: sell Past participle: ? Click to answer vender The dead fish then float at the surface of the water, making them easy to catch and sell.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: send Past participle: ? Click to answer enviar It is this nostalgia that sends me on a short and nearly fruitless search for the original theatrical release to show the kids.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: set Past participle: ? Click to answer fijar / ajustar / establecer He used basic anatomical comparison to set the stage for his idea.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: shake Past participle: ? Click to answer agitar In some groups monkeys kiss, in others they aggressively shake branches at one another.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: shave Past participle: ? Click to answer afeitarse Turn off the water while shaving, brushing your teeth or hand-washing dishes.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: shoot Past participle: ? Click to answer disparar The two beams of light shoot solemnly-yet hopefully, and beautifully-up into the sky.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: sing Past participle: ? Click to answer cantar Something to think about when next you are tempted to sing in the bath.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: sink Past participle: ? Click to answer hundirse The helicopter hovered above the surface for a moment, then crashed into the water and began to sink.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: sit Past participle: ? Click to answer sentarse The first decision to make upon walking into a meeting room is where to sit.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: sleep Past participle: ? Click to answer dormir We spend a third of our lives asleep, but sleep researchers still don't know why.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: smell Past participle: smelled and …? Click to answer oler Select the fish with your nose: it should smell ocean-fresh or be odorless.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: speak Past participle: ? Click to answer hablar The school can't create a forum, and then only certain people get to speak there, without any reason.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: spell Past participle: spelled and …? Click to answer deletrear A child's ability to read and spell is about 50 per cent inherited, with upbringing and schooling controlling the other half.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: spend Past participle: ? Click to answer gastar dinero / pasar tiempo On the roads there are many cars both because people can afford them and because people spend so much time stuck in traffic.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: spill Past participle: spilled and …? Click to answer derramar The worst that is likely to happen to someone spilling coffee onto a desktop computer's keyboard is that they get damaged.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: split Past participle: ? Click to answer dividir, partir en dos Elisabeth Sexton CSR is free to hold a shareholder vote on its $3b plan to split into two companies, news that's driven stocks up almost 10%.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: stand Past participle: ? Click to answer ponerse de pie / aguantar He loves standing on a chair, mixing his own bowl of flour and water.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: steal Past participle: ? Click to answer robar, hurtar Sometimes, it is hard to understand why a person would want to steal your identity.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: stick Past participle: ? Click to answer adherir Be generous with your expected return time and always stick with the plan.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: swear Past participle: ? Click to answer jurar They get in because doctors everywhere swear the same oath.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: sweat Past participle: sweated and …? Click to answer sudar Because it does not need to sweat to cool itself down, it saves water.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: swim Past participle: ? Click to answer nadar It's a lovely experience to swim in this silky, non-smelly water.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: take Past participle: ? Click to answer tomar If you need to take a break from working, there's a relaxation room downstairs.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: teach Past participle: ? Click to answer enseñar It's true enough that no one teaches professors how to teach.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: tell Past participle: ? Click to answer decir Many shamans believe the plants will tell them how to cure the sick people.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: think Past participle: ? Click to answer pensar Too often students think they must hide their attendance from everyone in thei department.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: throw Past participle: ? Click to answer tirar, lanzar It is physically impossible to throw a baseball slower than your arm is moving.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: understand Past participle: ? Click to answer entender Never sign a contract that you do not fully understand.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: upset Past participle: ? Click to answer enojar / perturbar Yet the long economic slump is surely going to upset everybody.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: wake Past participle: ? Click to answer despertar Nightmares are dreams, a very frightening dreams that wake your child and leave him or her feeling afraid.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: wear Past participle: ? Click to answer vestir, llevar puesto Her favorite answer was that, in her days as a medical student, she used to wear what she liked.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: win Past participle: ? Click to answer ganar Eddy loves to invent things, and he is confident that he will win the science fair he is competing in.

In Spanish, please: Simple form: write Past participle: ? Click to answer escribir The juror should write a letter to the clerk of court requesting an excuse with an explanation.

In Spanish, please: Exit. Home. Result. The end.