Modelling Salt Tectonics and Sedimentary Basin Evolution at Passive Margins. Implications for HC Exploration on the Scotian Shelf. Author: Sheila M Ballantyne Supervisors: Dr. Juergen Adam and Dr. Djordje Grujic Dalhousie University, Department of Earth Sciences Honours Thesis
The Purpose of my Honours Thesis To gain a better understanding of the structural geology of passive rift margins, with an emphasis on salt tectonics and sedimentary processes. To gain a better understanding of the structural geology of passive rift margins, with an emphasis on salt tectonics and sedimentary processes. To relate the gravity driven experiments to the processes on the Scotian Shelf, and aid in HC exploration. To relate the gravity driven experiments to the processes on the Scotian Shelf, and aid in HC exploration. To improve interpretations of geologic and geophysical data. To improve interpretations of geologic and geophysical data. Passive Salt Margin - Regional Structure US Coast GOM (Peel et al. 1995) 3D Seafloor N-S Section from Shelf to Basin Salt Stratigraphic and Structural Setting of the Scotian Margin after Wade et al. 1990, 1995.
Experimental Set-up ► Each model is a 3D scaled representation of the shelf, using silica as sand and silicone putty as salt. The materials have specific rheological behaviours and physical parameters. ► The experiments are monitored using hi-res. digital time-series data, using Particle Imaging Velocimetry (PIV). ► Each experiment will be digitally analyzed and cut into cross- sections for interpretation. Displacement field data IW (time t + dt) Photos courtesy of Juergen Adam
Surface View Shel f 3D Structure - Stagnation ShelfSlopeBasin ShelfSlopeBasin Photos courtesy of Juergen Adam
My main focus will be experiments where the effects of varying the slope angle are explored. These experiments will be carried out over the coming months. Data from recent experiments will also be used. Acknowledgements: Canadian Superior Energy Inc. Awards Program Dalhousie’s Centre for Complex Geo-Systems Research team Thanks to Juergen Adam for the pretty pictures, and animations. Much thanks to Juergen Adam,Djordje Grujic, Csaba Krezsek, and Steve King for guidance! Photo courtesy of Juergen Adam Photo from Juergen Adam