The Rock Cycle By. Nik Betts
Igneous Rocks Igneous rocks are formed from lava and magma. Mt. Rushmore is an intrusive igneous rock.
How Igneous Rocks are formed. Rocks are melted by hot magma
This is where magma is forced up out of the Earth and it becomes lava. Igneous rock
Lava then cools and solidifies and becomes an extrusive igneous rock. How Igneous Rock is Formed
Lava hardened and formed this side of a hill. Igneous Rock structures
This is an igneous rock that has been eroded. Here I am.
The sediments then travel down stream to a lake or larger body of water.
Sediments are carried down stream Sediments then pile up and are cemented together underneath Earth’s surface. Stratification is where sediments fall to the bottom forming strata layers.
Strata is where sediments have been layered and compacted together. The arrows above show different strata layers.
These are a form of a clastic sedimentary rock. It was formed by sediments being compacted and cemented together. Clastic sedimentary rock
This is another form of sedimentary rock. However it is a chemical sedimentary rock.
This is a fossil that has formed inside a sedimentary rock. Sedimentary rocks are the only rocks that can contain fossils.
Sedimentary rocks can be made from erosion of igneous rock., Metamorphic rock, and dead plants and animals that have been cemented together.
Then the sedimentary rock falls to the bottom of the hole. Then it is buried under some mud.
Then over thousands of years it gets close to a magma chamber.
Then with extreme heat and pressure it is changed to a metamorphic rock.
This is a form of metamorphic rock that has undergone extreme heat and pressure.
Contact metamorphic rock forms when a sedimentary or igneous rock is heated up and the make up of the rock changes into a contact metamorphic rock.
This is a foliated metamorphic rock.
This is an example of a non foliated metamorphic rock.
This is a regional metamorphic rock.
This is a non layered metamorphic rock.
This metamorphic rock can be changed into a sedimentary or a igneous rock or back into another metamorphic rock by being broke into little pieces ( sediment) or by being melted into magma.
This time the metamorphic rock was melted into magma and then erupted. Then it cooled and solidified to become an igneous rock. This igneous rock is called basalt. It could also turn into a sedimentary or another metamorphic rock.
The igneous rock can be changed back to a metamorphic rock by extreme heat and pressure.
The metamorphic rock has broke into sediments and has been compacted and cemented together to become a sedimentary rock.
A sedimentary rock can be changed back into a metamorphic rock by extreme heat and pressure.
A sedimentary rock can be changed into a igneous rock by being melted. Then it cools and solidifies to become an igneous rock.
An igneous rock can be changed into a sedimentary rock by being broke into little pieces and being compacted and cemented together.