Sedimentary rocks
Conglomerate- clastic Made of rock pieces and pebbles that are rounded in shape
Breccia- clastic Made of rock pieces and fragments that are Angular- have straight edges
Sandstone- clastic made up mainly of very small sand grains
shale forms from the compaction of silt and clay-size mineral particles that we commonly call "mud".
Wave marks- sedimentary rocks
Fossils- only in sedimentary rock
coquina Chalk Limestone made of bits And pieces of shells Cemented together Made from skeletal remains of Sea organisms
lignite anthracite Beginning form of coal- made from Remains of plants that might be Visible in it Highest form of coal- Well formed and less crumbly Than lignite
Chemical evaporite Halite (rock salt)
Clastic Chemically formed Organically formed shale sandstone halite limestone Lignite coal coquina conglomerate