Book Definition In your own words… Picture Ore A mineral that is mined because it has useful metals and nonmetals
Book Definition In your own words… Picture Gem A mineral stone that has been cut and polished
Book Definition In your own words… Picture Igneous Rock Rock formed from magma or lava
Book Definition In your own words… Picture Sedimentary Rock A rock formed from sediments or rock pieces that are cemented together
Book Definition In your own words… Picture Metamorphic Rock A rock “changed” by intense heat and pressure
Book Definition In your own words… Picture Clastic Sedimentary Rock Sedimentary rock formed from loose fragments of rock
Book Definition In your own words… Picture ChemicalSedimentary Rock Sedimentary rock formed from chemicals in water
Book Definition In your own words… Picture Organic Sedimentary Rock A sedimentary rock formed from remains of living things.
Book Definition In your own words… Picture Foliated Mineral crystals that are arranged in bands in a metamorphic rock
Book Definition In your own words… Picture Nonfoliated A metamorphic rock that does not have minerals arranged in bands.