Curriculum for College and Career Readiness: National Lessons Curriculum for College and Career Readiness Committee May 22, 2006
2 AMERICAN DIPLOMA PROJECT NETWORK American Diploma Project Network
3 AMERICAN DIPLOMA PROJECT NETWORK ADP Policy Agenda n Align high school standards with college and work expectations. n Require all students to take more challenging college- and work-prep courses. n Administer tests that measure readiness for college and work to all high school students. Hold high school and postsecondary institutions accountable for student success.
4 AMERICAN DIPLOMA PROJECT NETWORK Progress since the 2005 National Education Summit Source: Achieve Survey/Research, 2006.
5 AMERICAN DIPLOMA PROJECT NETWORK Progress since the 2005 National Education Summit Source: Achieve Survey/Research, 2006.
6 AMERICAN DIPLOMA PROJECT NETWORK Progress since the 2005 National Education Summit Source: Achieve Survey/Research, 2006.
7 AMERICAN DIPLOMA PROJECT NETWORK Progress since the 2005 National Education Summit Source: Achieve Survey/Research, 2006.
8 AMERICAN DIPLOMA PROJECT NETWORK Progress since the 2005 National Education Summit Source: Achieve Survey/Research, 2006.
9 AMERICAN DIPLOMA PROJECT NETWORK Progress since the 2005 National Education Summit Source: Achieve Survey/Research, 2006.
10 AMERICAN DIPLOMA PROJECT NETWORK Issues To Consider n Who sets the curriculum in local control states? l Michigan shifted dramatically to state control l Pennsylvania is providing financial incentives to encourage local districts to adopt recommended curriculum l Colorado is trying to determine best course of action
11 AMERICAN DIPLOMA PROJECT NETWORK Issues to Consider n What are the incentives for students to take the core curriculum? l Arkansas, Indiana and Texas have made it the “default option” l Kentucky has required for all students l Indiana initially provided outreach and additional financial aid l The State Scholars Program provides encouragment and recognition l The federal Academic Challenge Program targets additional financial aid to low income students
12 AMERICAN DIPLOMA PROJECT NETWORK College- and Work-Ready Curriculum: Indiana’s Core th in nation 10 th in nation Indiana37.5%50%57.9%60%62% Nation43%53.6%58.5%56.7%57%
13 AMERICAN DIPLOMA PROJECT NETWORK Issues to Consider n Flexibility in organizing and delivering curriculum n Carnegie Units/Seat Time vs. Proficiency
14 AMERICAN DIPLOMA PROJECT NETWORK Michigan Graduation Requirements n Successfully complete X credits aligned with state subject area content expectations n Successful completion based in part on performance on state or local assessments n Credit also awarded by earning qualifying score on local assessment
15 AMERICAN DIPLOMA PROJECT NETWORK Boston Graduation Requirements Pathway IPathway IIPathway III Take and Pass English Courses Take and Pass 3 History Courses, including US History 1 & 2 Take and Pass 4 Humanities Courses* * Course syllabi must address current standards for ELA and US History 1 & 2 A school can develop its own sequence of courses, mindful of state standards and comparability of rigor to Pathway I and II…..approved by BPS Teaching and Learning Office
Curriculum for College and Career Readiness: National Lessons Curriculum for College and Career Readiness Committee May 22, 2006