Collection, preservation, and access for born digital newspapers Frederick Zarndt PlanmanConsulting, Inc Coronado CA USA New Delhi India
What is a born digital newspaper? Any print newspaper whose first instantiation is digital Any print newspaper whose content and format are created using software such as Adobe CSx Quark CCI Any newspaper printed from a digital file
Born digital newspapers collection and preservation Born digital newspapers are collected and preserved at Bibliothequenationale de France British Library Singapore National Library Board University of California Riverside University of Kentucky Others?
Born digital newspapers access Access to born digital newspapers provided at University of Kentucky Singapore National Library Board coming 2010 University of California Riverside coming 2010 British Library Others?
Born digital newspapers PDF variations are significant between publishers PDF’s from publisher have no metadata PDF/A 1b for long term visual preservation 1a metadata plus 1b METS wrapper for PDF’s Image derivative of PDF (JPEG2000) ALTO
In-copyright newspapers Straits Times from 1845 to the pr esent day News source: SPH, AP, Reuters, … Access policies for each Issue Article Photo / illustration Copyright holder permits Searchable from anywhere Restricted views
In-copyright newspapers University of Kentucky Small, mid-sized Kentucky newspapers Collaboration with Kentucky Press Association Copyright holder permits No quarantine period Searchable anywhere Viewable anywhere
Recipe for born digital newspapers 1Decide if access will be page-level, article-level, or both 2Agree with publisher about 1Copyright 2Distribution restrictions 3Blackout period 3Collect born digital newspapers 1File naming convention, for example, title_yyyymmdd_ppp 2FTP server 3CDs, DVDs, etc 4Processing software for METS/ALTO XML ? 5Access and access control software
Cost per page (USD) Print newspapersLowHigh Microfilm production from printed newspaper$0.15$0.20 Image production from microfilm$0.05$0.10 Data production from images$0.40$0.60 Total$0.60$0.90 Born digital newspapers Microfilm production from digital files (COM)$0.10$0.15 Data production from digital files$0.20$0.30 Total$0.30$0.45 Digital object production costs
? Frederick Zarndt Planman Consulting, Inc Coronado CA USA New Delhi India