The Federalist Era
Getting to Know President John Adams - “History Videos for Kids” Series Disney’s American Presidents – John Adams
PARTIES DEVELOP -Hamilton and Jefferson had opposing views of government -Federalists- led by Hamilton -supported strong Nat’l Gov’t -NE businessmen / merchants
-Democratic-Republicans- led by Jefferson and Madison -supported limited role of Gov’t -southerners -yeoman farmers
ADAMS IS ELECTED election Adams elected President Jefferson elected V.P. -They were from different political parties -This problem fixed by 12 th Amendment
XYZ AFFAIR -Neutrality strained relations with France and Britain -U.S sends ambassadors to France to patch relations -bribes were demanded by the French officials -US was outraged as story emerged
XYZ AFFAIR -Political Parties oppose each other -Federalists align with British -Dem-Republicans align with French -nearly leads to war -Convention of 1800 avoids war
ALIEN & SEDITION ACTS -Federalists passed laws to limit criticism of gov’t by those sensitive to the French (Dem- Republicans) and restrict citizenship rights -would have limited freedom of speech and allowed deportation of unpopular aliens Only accept immigrants that would make good Americans (Protestant / White / $ preferred)
ALIEN & SEDITION ACTS -Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions -issued to declare the laws unconstitutional -Written by Jefferson and Madison -presented idea of Nullification - A State gov’t can reject any federal law since fed. power derives from the states….