SHENZHEN MIDDLE SCHOOL Reporter: Xueli Chen, Zichen Lee, Shing Chi Ian Wang Karst Carbon Sequestration.


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Presentation transcript:

SHENZHEN MIDDLE SCHOOL Reporter: Xueli Chen, Zichen Lee, Shing Chi Ian Wang Karst Carbon Sequestration

Solutions—— 1 Improving terminal efficiency ; 2 Improving supplier efficiency ; 3 Renewable energy ; 4 Alternative fuels ; 5 Agriculture ( CH 4 and N 2 O reduction project ); 6 Industrial reduction process ; —— 《 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 》 7 CCS

3.Karst Carbon Sequestration Carbon Capture and Sequestration ( CCS ) —— 2.Plantation Sequestration 1.Ocean Sequestration technology attempting to prevent the release of large quantities of CO 2 into the atmosphere from fossil fuel use in power generation and other industries by capturing CO 2, transporting it and ultimately, pumping it into underground geologic formations to securely store it away from the atmosphere. ——Wikipedia

Why we choose this topic?

1.China is a big country with vast Karst 2.Nearly 15% of the land on Earth is covered by Karst.

What is it? And why do we call it “Karst”?—— Karst topography is a geological formation shaped by the dissolution of a layer or layers of soluble bedrock, usually carbonate rock such as limestone or dolomite. It has a simple principle——

Climate Hydrogeology Geological Conditions Influencing factors: Vegetation Landuse

For a long time, it was generally accepted that the geological carbon sink rate was very small, thus its effect was not considered seriously in the global carbon cycle study. However, According to statistics, Karst carbon sequestration could absorb over 600 million tons of carbon dioxide per year which takes over 33% percent of the world’s carbon dioxide


1. The stability of carbonate rock

Estimation of carbon sink flux by karstification Lithology Specific corrodibility (%) Dolomite Dolomitic limestone Impure dolomite Limestone 0.965

Limestone Dolomite

2.Speed( carbon capacity) Carbonic Anhydrase Limestone ——10times Dolomite ——3times Origin? expensive

Thank you for your listening! Any question?