New insight on the geology of the Kuwait Group- Jal Al-Zoor Escarpment- Sabah Al Ahmad Natural Reserve, Kuwait Alham Al-langawi PAAET- Science Department College of Basic Education- Kuwait
This Research was based on Fieldwork investigations and sampling Petrographic study by polarizing microscope and SEM Cathodoluminecence XRF Icpms Probe analysis Carbone and oxygen isotope analysis
Geology Of Kuwait For Jal Azoor Escarpment based on Previous Studies DescriptionFormationGroupAge Include marine beach deposits, sabkha and mud flats sediments, alluvial and fluvial sediments Holocene Conglomerates, gypsum cements Dibdibba Kuwait Group Pleistocene Calcareous fine sandstones, Coarse sandstones, marly limestones, red and green mudstones, sandy Limestones (30-35 m) Lower Fars Lower-Middle Miocene Coarse Quartz Arenites, sandy limestones, marls and green Mudstones (only 20 m exposed) Ghar Lower Miocene- Oligocene Dolomitized limestones with Chirt DammamAlhassaEocene Disconformity Upper Miocene & Pliocene 8.6 Ma ? Fluvial Marine
Field Observations
Disconformity between first (Dibdibba Fm.) and second (lower Fars Fm.) Sharp Contact Undulating Contact
Burrows and Plant Roots Plant roots Burrows
Cross-Bedding Graded-Bedding Change in current Velosity Ripple Marks- Depositional
Nodules Paleosoil leaching Exposure surface marked by conglomerates
Exfoliation- Weathering Geodes- diagenetic Joints Frost Wedging Weathering Gypsum Cement
Mega Fossils Coiled Gastropods Oysters Gastropod Bivalves
Marker Beds Marker Bed (1) Disconformity Marker Bed (1) Marker Bed (2) Marker Bed (1)
Fossils Burrows Exfoliation Geodes Pebbly Sandstone Cross-Bedding Cross-Bedded Limestone Fractures Gypsum cement R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R8 R9 R10 R7 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 R18 R19 R17 R20 R21 R22 R23 R24 R25 R26 R27 R28 R29 R30 R31 R32 R33 R34 R35 R36 R39 R40 R38 R37 R65 R66 R67 R68 R69 R54 R53 R55 R56 R58 R59 R64 South West North East North West R57
Southwest Northeast Reservation Gate Northwest Sabah Al-Ahmad natural reserve northwest of Kuwait bay (330 km 2 )
Rock Types Pebbly Sandstones Fine Sandstones Paleo-soils Fossiliferous sandy Grainstones Fossiliferous oolitic-sandy Grainstones fossiliferous oolitic-sandy Packstones Fossiliferous Mudstones Peloidal sandy Packstones
Rock Types Fossiliferous Sandstone 2X Packstone 4X Packstone 2XPeloidal limestone 2X
Fine Sandstones with Poikilotopic Cement 4X 2X
Rock Types Carbonate Fossiliferous Mudstone 4X Oolitic-peloidal Grainstone 2X Oolitic Grainstone Sandstone (paleo-soil)
Fossils Mollusks (Bivalves and Gastropods), some are oysters Coral fragments Coralline algae Foraminifera Echinoderm Plates Bone fragments
Fossils Bivalves 2X Corals 2X Coralline algae 4X Foraminifera 4X
Fossils Foraminifera 2X Echinoderm Plate with syntaxial cement 4X Corals 4X 4X
Fossils Foraminifera
Cements Isopachous and Spary calcite 4X Poikilotopic Calcite
Cements 2X Poikilotopic Poikilotopic Gypsum Spary and microcrystalline calcite
Matrix Carbonate Matrix Clay Matrix
Southwestern location Southwestern location ppm
First location toward the East ppm
Second location toward the East ppm
Eastern Location ppm
Elements Concentration Maps -sandy limestone Elements Concentration Maps Fossiliferous -sandy limestone AlMn MgSi Ca
Elements Concentration Maps fine sandstone with Poikilotopic cement AlMn SiMg Ca
Elements Concentration Maps for Peloidal-oolitic sandy- grainstone Al Mn SiMgCa
Elements Concentration Maps-clay Matrix Al Mn Si MgCa
Cathodoluminesence First diagenetic calcite is with brownish-red luminescence Second diagenetic calcite is zoned isopachous and spary crystals with yellow, orange, and non - luminescent zones Third diagenetic calcite is zoned spary crystals with pale blue and non -luminescent zones Forth diagenetic calcite show yellow-orange luminescence
First and second diagenetic calcite in limestones 4X 10X
Second diagenetic spary calcite crystals 10X In Limestones In Sandstones
Third diagenetic calcite is zoned spary crystals with pale blue and non -luminescent zones 10X 3rd
Forth diagenetic calcite (found in Paleo-soils) 4X
Collecting special parts for Isotope Analysis Oysters
Carbon 13 and Oxygen 18 Distribution for Kuwait Group Normal Marine Isotopic Values ? High Temperature Fresh water
Carbon 13 and Oxygen 18 Distribution for Kuwait Group With depth
Variation in Carbon 13 and Oxygen 18 concentrations within Marker Bed 1 (Grainstones and Packstones) from West to East Southwest and northwest directions (more depletion)
Fieldwork and petrographic data support the idea of several Depositional environments for the Kuwait Group, which are: 1. Mixed clastic-carbonate shelf 2.High energy beaches 3.Fluvial-marine, which may be delta complex 4.Terrestrial environments- soil horizons
Fieldwork and petrographic data support the idea of several unconformity surfaces within the Miocene-Oligocene Kuwait Group which were identified by: 1. Karst surfaces 2. Ripple marks 3. Nodules baring levels 4. Paleo-soils 5. Calcified plants roots 6. Reworked (conglomeratic surface)
Ghar Fm. Paleo-soil Roots Dibdibba Fm (Pleistocene) Lower Fars Fm. Ghar Fm.
Carbone 13 and Oxygen 18 isotopes indicate digenesis under high temperature fresh water for all the formations which was supported by: 1. Depleted Carbone 13 values (-3.70 to -6.59) 2. Depleted Oxygen 18 values (-6.69 to ) 3. Calcified plants roots (plant decay organic carbon) 4. Paleo-soils 5. Karsts surfaces
Thank you for sharing this time with me Photo by Alham Al-langawi